Astrophysics Source Code Library

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[ascl:1812.011] GRAND-HOD: GeneRalized ANd Differentiable Halo Occupation Distribution

GRAND-HOD (GeneRalized ANd Differentiable Halo Occupation Distribution) takes a generalized Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) prescription as input and outputs the corresponding mock galaxy catalogs in binary files. The code is differentiable and incorporates various generalizations to the standard HOD. It is written for the Abacus simulations, but the main functionalities can be easily adapted for other halo catalogs with the appropriate properties.

[ascl:2403.009] pycorr: Two-point correlation function estimation

pycorr wraps two-point counter engines such as Corrfunc (ascl:1703.003) to estimate the correlation function. It supports theta (angular), s, s-mu, rp-pi binning schemes, analytical two-point counts with periodic boundary conditions, and inverse bitwise weights (in any integer format) and (angular) upweighting. It also provides MPI parallelization and jackknife estimate of the correlation function covariance matrix.