Astrophysics Source Code Library
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Results 501-750 of 3688 (3591 ASCL, 97 submitted)
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SPTCLASS: SPecTral CLASSificator code
SPT Lensing Likelihood: South Pole Telescope CMB lensing likelihood code
SPS: SPIRE Photometer Simulator
SpS: Single-pulse Searcher
Sprout: Moving mesh finite volume hydro code
Spritz: General relativistic magnetohydrodynamic code
SPRITE: Sparsity-based super-resolution algorithm
SPOTROD: Semi-analytic model for transits of spotted stars
spops: Spinning black-hole binary population synthesis
Splotch: Ray Tracer to Visualize SPH Simulations
SPLAT: Spectral Analysis Tool
SPLAT-VO: Spectral Analysis Tool for the Virtual Observatory
SPLASH: Interactive Visualization Tool for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulations
SPISEA: Stellar Population Interface for Stellar Evolution and Atmospheres
Spirality: Spiral arm pitch angle measurement
SPIPS: Spectro-Photo-Interferometry of Pulsating Stars
SpinSpotter: Stellar rotation periods from high-cadence photometry calculator
SPINspiral: Parameter estimation for analyzing gravitational-wave signals
spinsfast: Fast and exact spin-s spherical harmonic transforms
SPInS: Stellar Parameters INferred Systematically
spinOS: SPectroscopic and INterferometric Orbital Solution finder
SPIDERz: SuPport vector classification for IDEntifying Redshifts
SPIDERMAN: Fast code to simulate secondary transits and phase curves
SpiceyPy: Python wrapper for the NAIF C SPICE Toolkit
SPICE: Observation Geometry System for Space Science Missions
SPHYNX: SPH hydrocode for subsonic hydrodynamical instabilities and strong shocks
SPHRAY: A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Ray Tracer for Radiative Transfer
SPHGR: Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics Galaxy Reduction
Spheroid: Electromagnetic Scattering by Spheroids
Spherical: Geometry operations and searches on spherical surfaces
sphereint: Integrate data on a grid within a sphere
Spheral++: Coupled hydrodynamical and gravitational numerical simulations
SpheCow: Galaxy and dark matter halo dynamical properties
SPH_1D: Hierarchical gravity/SPH treecode for simulations of interacting galaxies
Spextool: Spectral EXtraction tool
SPEX: Spectral Executive
SPEX: High-resolution cosmic X-ray spectra analysis
spex_to_xspec: Convert SPEX output to XSPEC input
Spender: Neural spectrum encoder and decoder
SPEGID: Single-Pulse Event Group IDentification
SPEDAS: Space Physics Environment Data Analysis System
SPECX: Spectral Line Data Reduction Package
SpecViz: 1D Spectral Visualization Tool
Specview: 1-D spectral visualization and analysis of astronomical spectrograms
Specutils: Spectroscopic analysis and reduction
Spectuner: Automated line identification of interstellar molecules
SPECTRUM: A stellar spectral synthesis program
Spectroscopic Analysis of O and B-Type Stars, Neutron Stars, and White Dwarfs Using SDSS Data and Astroquery
spectroflat: Generic Python calibration library for spectro-polarimetric data
SpectRes: Simple spectral resampling
SpECTRE: Multi-scale, multi-physics problem solver
SPECTRE: Manipulation of single-order spectra
SpectraPy: Extract and reduce astronomical spectral data
SpectralRadex: Spectral modeling and RADEX
spectral-cube: Read and analyze astrophysical spectral data cubes
Spectractor: Spectrum extraction tool for slitless spectrophotometry
Spectra: Time series power spectrum calculator
Spectra-Without-Windows: Window-free analysis of the BOSS DR12 power spectrum and bispectrum
SPECTCOL: Spectroscopic and Collisional Data Retrieval
Specstack: A simple spectral stacking tool
SpecPro: Astronomical spectra viewer and analyzer
species: Atmospheric characterization of directly imaged exoplanets
special: SPEctral Characterization of directly ImAged Low-mass companions
Special-Blurring: Compare quantum-spacetime foam models to GRB localizations
SPECDRE: Spectroscopy Data Reduction
spec2d: DEEP2 DEIMOS Spectral Pipeline
SpDust/SpDust.2: Code to Calculate Spinning Dust Spectra
SpcAudace: Spectroscopic processing and analysis package of Audela software
SPARTAN: SPectroscopic And photometRic fiTting tool for Astronomical aNalysis
SPARTA: Subhalo and PARticle Trajectory Analysis
SPARTA: SPectroscopic vARiabiliTy Analysis
SparsePZ: Sparse Representation of Photometric Redshift PDFs
SparseBLS: Box-Fitting Least Squares implementation for sparse data
SPARK: K-band Multi Object Spectrograph data reduction
SpArcFiRe: SPiral ARC FInder and REporter
SPARC: Seismic Propagation through Active Regions and Convection
SPAMMS: Spectroscopic PAtch Model for Massive Stars
SPAMCART: Smoothed PArticle Monte CArlo Radiative Transfer
SPAM: Source Peeling and Atmospheric Modeling
SPAM: Hu-Sawicki f(R) gravity imprints search
spalipy: Detection-based astronomical image registration
SpaghettiLens: Web-based gravitational lens modeling tool
SpacePy: Python-Based Tools for the Space Science Community
SpaceHub: High precision few-body and large scale N-body simulations
SPA: Solar Position Algorithm
SP_Ace: Stellar Parameters And Chemical abundances Estimator
SOXS: Simulated Observations of X-ray Sources
SourceXtractor++: Extracts sources from astronomical images
SOT: Spin-Orbit Tomography
SORA: Stellar Occultation Reduction Analysis
SOPT: Sparse OPTimisation
SOPIE: Sequential Off-Pulse Interval Estimation
SOPHISM: Software Instrument Simulator
SOPHIA: Simulations Of Photo Hadronic Interactions in Astrophysics
SONG: Second Order Non-Gaussianity
SonAD: Sonification of astronomical data
SolTrack: Compute the position of the Sun in topocentric coordinates
SolAster: 'Sun-as-a-star' radial velocity variations
SolarSoft: Programming and data analysis environment for solar physics
SolarKAT: Solar imaging pipeline for MeerKAT
SolarAxionFlux: Solar axion flux calculator for different solar models and opacity codes
solar-vSI: Calculate solar antineutrino spectra
Solar-MACH: Multi-spacecraft longitudinal configuration plotter
SoFiA: Source Finding Application
SoFiA 2: An automated, parallel HI source finding pipeline
SOFA: Standards of Fundamental Astronomy
SOAP-GPU: Spectral time series simulations with GPU
SOAP 2.0: Spot Oscillation And Planet 2.0
so_noise_models: Simons Observatory N(ell) noise models
SNTD: Supernova Time Delays
SNSEDextend: SuperNova Spectral Energy Distributions extrapolation toolkit
SNRPy: Supernova remnant evolution modeling
SNOwGLoBES: SuperNova Observatories with GLoBES
Snowball: Generalizable atmospheric mass loss calculator
SNooPy: TypeIa supernovae analysis tools
Snoopy: General purpose spectral solver
snmachine: Photometric supernova classification
SNID: Supernova Identification
SNEWPY: Supernova Neutrino Early Warning Models for Python
SNEC: SuperNova Explosion Code
SNCosmo: Python library for supernova cosmology
SNAPDRAGONS: Stellar Numbers And Parameters Determined Routinely And Generated Observing N-body Systems
SNANA: A Public Software Package for Supernova Analysis
SMURF: SubMillimeter User Reduction Facility
smops: A sub-band model FITS image interpolator
smooth: Smoothing for N-body simulations
SMMOL: Spherical Multi-level MOLecular line radiative transfer
SMINT: Structure Model INTerpolator
SMILI: Sparse Modeling Imaging Library for Interferometry
SMILE: Orbital analysis and Schwarzschild modeling of triaxial stellar systems
SMERFS: Stochastic Markov Evaluation of Random Fields on the Sphere
SME: Spectroscopy Made Easy
SMARTIES: Spheroids Modelled Accurately with a Robust T-matrix Implementation for Electromagnetic Scattering
SMART: Spectroscopic Modeling Analysis and Reduction Tool
Smart: Automatic differentiation of accelerations and variational equations
SMART: Spectral energy distribution (SED) fitter
SLUG: Stochastically Lighting Up Galaxies
SLR: Stellar Locus Regression
SLOPES: Least-squares linear regression lines for bivariate datasets
SLIT: Sparse Lens Inversion Technique
slimplectic: Discrete non-conservative numerical integrator
Slim: Numerical data compression for scientific data sets
SLiM: A Code for the Simulation of Wave Propagation through an Inhomogeneous, Magnetised Solar Atmosphere
SlicerAstro: Astronomy (HI) extension for 3D Slicer
SLALIB: A Positional Astronomy Library
SL1M: Synthesis through L1 Minimization
SkyView Virtual Telescope
SkyPy: Simulating the astrophysical sky
Skyoffset: Sky offset optimization and mosaicing toolkit
SkyNet: Neural network training tool for machine learning in astronomy
SkyNet: Modular nuclear reaction network library
Skymapper: Mapping astronomical survey data on the sky
SkyMaker: Astronomical Image Simulations Made Easy
SkyLine: Generate mock line-intensity maps
Skylens++: Simulation package for optical astronomical observations
Skyfield: High precision research-grade positions for planets and Earth satellites generator
Skye: Excess clustering of transit times detection
Skye: Equation of state for fully ionized matter
Skycorr: Sky emission subtraction for observations without plain sky information
SkyCat: Visualization and Catalog and Data Access Tool
SkyCalc_ipy: SkyCalc wrapper for interactive Python
Sky3D: Time-dependent Hartree-Fock equation solver
SKIRT: Stellar Kinematics Including Radiative Transfer
SKID: Finding Gravitationally Bound Groups in N-body Simulations
SIXTE: Simulation of X-ray Telescopes
SITools2: A Framework for Archival Systems
SISTER: Starshade Imaging Simulation Toolkit for Exoplanet Reconnaissance
SISPO: Imaging simulator for small solar system body missions
Siril: Astronomical image processing tool
SIRENA: Energy reconstruction of X-ray photons for Athena X-IFU
SIR: Stokes Inversion based on Response functions
SIP: Systematics-Insensitive Periodograms
SingLe: A F90-package devoted to Softened Gravity in gaseous discs
SINFONI Pipeline: Data reduction pipeline for the Very Large Telescope SINFONI spectrograph
SIMX: Event simulator
simuTrans: Gravity-darkened exoplanet transit simulator
simulateSearch: High-time resolution data sets simulations for radio telescopes
SimSpin: Kinematic analysis of galaxy simulations
simqso: Simulated quasar spectra generator
SimpLens: Interactive gravitational lensing simulator
SIMPLE: Intensity map generator
simple-m2m: Extensions to the standard M2M algorithm for full modeling of observational data
simple_reg_dem: Differential Emission Measures in the solar corona
simple_cosfitter: Supernova-centric Cosmological Fitter
SImMER: Stellar Image Maturation via Efficient Reduction
SimLine: Radiative transfer in molecular lines
SimFast21: Simulation of the Cosmological 21cm Signal
SimCADO: Observations simulator for infrared telescopes and instruments
SIMBI: 3D relativistic gas dynamics code
SimAb: Planet formation model
SIM5: Library for ray-tracing and radiation transport in general relativity
SILSS: SPHERE/IRDIS Long-Slit Spectroscopy pipeline
Silo: Saving scientific data to binary disk files
SIGPROC: Pulsar Signal Processing Programs
SiFTO: An Empirical Method for Fitting SN Ia Light Curves
SIDM: Density profiles of self-interacting dark-matter halos with inhabitant galaxies
sidm-nbody: Monte Carlo N-body Simulation for Self-Interacting Dark Matter
SICON: Stokes Inversion based on COnvolutional Neural networks
sick: Spectroscopic inference crank
sic: Sparse Inpainting Code
Shwirl: Meaningful coloring of spectral cube data with volume rendering
SHTOOLS: Tools for Working with Spherical Harmonics
Sherpa: CIAO Modeling and Fitting Package
SHERLOCK: Explore Kepler, K2, and TESS data
SHERA: SHEar Reconvolution Analysis
SHELLSPEC: Simple Radiative Transfer along Line of Sight in Moving Media
SHEEP: Machine Learning pipeline for astronomy classification
shear-stacking: Stacked shear profiles and tests based upon them
SHDOM: Spherical Harmonic Discrete Ordinate Method for atmospheric radiative transfer
SHARK: Gas and dust hydrodynamics with dust coagulation/fragmentation
Shark: Flexible semi-analytic galaxy formation model
SHARC: SHArpened Dimensionality Reduction and Classification
ShapePipe: Galaxy shape measurement pipeline
ShapeMeasurementFisherFormalism: Fisher Formalism for Weak Lensing
Shapelets: Image Modelling
shapelens: Astronomical image analysis and shape estimation framework
Shape: A 3D Modeling Tool for Astrophysics
Shadowfax: Moving mesh hydrodynamical integration code
SgrbWorldModel: Short-duration Gamma-Ray Burst World Model
SGNAPS: Software for Graphical Navigation, Analysis and Plotting of Spectra
SFQEDtoolkit: Strong-field QED processes modeling for PIC and Monte Carlo codes
SFoF: Friends-of-friends galaxy cluster detection algorithm
SFH: Star Formation History
sf3dmodels: Star-forming regions 3D modelling package
sf_deconvolve: PSF deconvolution and analysis
SExtractor: Source Extractor
SExSeg: SExtractor segmentation
SEVN: Stellar EVolution for N-body
SETI-EC: SETI Encryption Code
SetCoverPy: A heuristic solver for the set cover problem
SERVAL: SpEctrum Radial Velocity AnaLyser
Sérsic: Exact deprojection of Sérsic surface brightness profiles
SERPent: Scripted E-merlin Rfi-mitigation PipelinE for iNTerferometry
SEREN: A SPH code for star and planet formation simulations
SER: Subpixel Event Repositioning Algorithms
SEP: Source Extraction and Photometry
SENR: Simple, Efficient Numerical Relativity
Sengi: Interactive viewer for spectral outputs from stellar population synthesis models
Self-lensing binary code with Markov chain
Self-cal: Optical/IR long-baseline interferometry
SELCIE: Screening Equations Linearly Constructed and Iteratively Evaluated
segueSelect: SDSS/SEGUE selection function modelling
SeeKAT: Localizer for transients detected in tied-array beams
SEEK: Signal Extraction and Emission Kartographer
SEDPY: Modules for storing and operating on astronomical source spectral energy distribution
sedop: Optimize discrete versions of common SEDs
SEDobs: Observational spectral energy distribution simulation
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