WE20210731: This week in the ASCL

Ah, the last week of the month, when most new code entries appear! Thirty codes were added to the ASCL this week; nine of them had been submitted by their authors or a user and the other twenty-one entries were the work of the three ASCL editors.

Yes, users can submit codes, and do! Sometimes they do so because they would like the cite the software and a good way to do so doesn’t already exist. The ASCL ID can be used to cite the code; these citations are picked up and tracked by indexers such as ADS and Web of Science. We welcome code submissions, and after we have assigned an ASCL ID, we send a registration notification email to one or more of the code authors.

In addition to adding/processing new entries and staging a few for future processing, fourteen existing entries were curated, most as a result of our daily random code activity. We’re also always checking our site links, and fixed a few that weren’t working.

I spent a good bit of time on research and writing, too, and participated in a writing sprint, this past week, and will continue these activities this coming week.

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