Astrophysics Source Code Library

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[ascl:1605.011] DISCO: 3-D moving-mesh magnetohydrodynamics package

DISCO evolves orbital fluid motion in two and three dimensions, especially at high Mach number, for studying astrophysical disks. The software uses a moving-mesh approach with a dynamic cylindrical mesh that can shear azimuthally to follow the orbital motion of the gas, thus removing diffusive advection errors and permitting longer timesteps than a static grid. DISCO uses an HLLD Riemann solver and a constrained transport scheme compatible with the mesh motion to implement magnetohydrodynamics.

[ascl:1607.015] RT1D: 1D code for Rayleigh-Taylor instability

The parallel one-dimensional moving-mesh hydrodynamics code RT1D reproduces the multidimensional dynamics from Rayleigh-Taylor instability in supernova remnants.

[ascl:2404.022] jetsimpy: Hydrodynamic model of gamma-ray burst jet and afterglow

jetsimpy creates hydrodynamic simulations of relativistic blastwaves with tabulated angular energy and Lorentz factor profiles and efficiently models Gamma-Ray Burst afterglows. It supports tabulated angular energy and tabulated angular Lorentz factor profiles. jetsimpy also supports ISM, wind, and mixed external density profile, including synthetic afterglow light curves, apparent superluminal motion, and sky map and Gaussian equivalent image sizes. Additionally, you can add your own emissivity model by defining a lambda function in a c++ source file, allowing the package to be used for more complicated models such as Synchrotron self-absorption.