Astrophysics Source Code Library

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[ascl:1010.049] Gas-momentum-kinetic SZ cross-correlations

We present a new method for detecting the missing baryons by generating a template for the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. The template is computed from the product of a reconstructed velocity field with a galaxy field. We provide maps of such templates constructed from SDSS Data Release 7 spectroscopic data (SDSS VAGC sample) along side with their expected two point correlation functions with CMB temperature anisotropies. Codes of generating such coefficients of the two point correlation function are also released to provide users of the gas-momentum map a way to change the parameters such as cosmological parameters, reionization history, ionization parameters, etc.

[ascl:2303.020] HaloGraphNet: Predict halo masses from simulations

HaloGraphNet predicts halo masses from simulations using Graph Neural Networks. Given a dark matter halo and its galaxies, this software creates a graph with information about the 3D position, stellar mass and other properties. It then trains a Graph Neural Network to predict the mass of the host halo. Data are taken from the CAMELS hydrodynamic simulations.

[ascl:2404.012] EffectiveHalos: Matter power spectrum and cluster counts covariance modeler

EffectiveHalos provides models of the real-space matter power spectrum, based on a combination of the Halo Model and Effective Field Theory, which are 1% accurate up to k = 1 h/Mpc, across a range of cosmologies, including those with massive neutrinos. It can additionally compute accurate halo count covariances (including a model of halo exclusion), both alone and in combination with the matter power spectrum.