Astrophysics Source Code Library

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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:1203.013] Figaro: Data Reduction Software

Figaro (sometimes referred to as "standalone Figaro") is a data reduction system that originated at Caltech and whose development continued at the Anglo-Australian Observatory. Although it is intended to be able to deal with any sort of data, almost all its applications to date are geared towards processing optical and infrared data. Figaro uses hierarchical data structures to provide flexibility in its data file formats. Figaro was originally written to run under DEC's VMS operating system, but is now available both for VAX/VMS (by special request) and for various flavors of UNIX including Linux and MacOS.

A variant of Figaro (ascl:1411.022) is incorporated into the Starlink package (ascl:1110.012).

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