Astrophysics Source Code Library

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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:2407.012] Fof: Friends-of-friends code to find groups

Fof uses the friends-of-friends method to find groups. A particle belongs to a friends-of-friends group if it is within some linking length of any other particle in the group. After all such groups are found, those with less than a specified minimum number of group members are rejected. The program takes input files in the TIPSY (ascl:1111.015) binary format and produces a single ASCII output file called fof.grp. This output file is in the TIPSY array format and contains the group number to which each particle belongs. A group number of zero means that the particle does not belong to a group. The fof.grp file can be read in by TIPSY and used to color each particle by group number to visualize the groups. Simulations with periodic boundary conditions can also be handled by fof by specifying the period in each dimension on the command line.

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