Suggest a change or addition to a record

Have you found an error in an ASCL entry? Is there a paper using your code you’d like to add? Would you like to specify right in an ASCL entry how your code should be cited?

We have added a “Suggest a change or addition” link to every code entry in the ASCL. This link brings up a form that is similar to the Submissions form and allows you to not only request changes to fields currently displayed, but also enter information for fields we are considering adding.

For example, we would like to disambiguate the URLs for refereed papers into those that describe a code and those that use a code; we’d also like to add categories to make searching for codes easier.Fields for described in and used in





Something that’s been on our wish list for a while is a “see also” feature, one that identifies, for a particular code, codes having a similar function or that someone looking at that code would likely be interested in, too. All we need to do this are the data!

Last update: July 20, 2021

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