Astrophysics Source Code Library

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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:1807.023] DAMOCLES: Monte Carlo line radiative transfer code

The Monte Carlo code DAMOCLES models the effects of dust, composed of any combination of species and grain size distributions, on optical and NIR emission lines emitted from the expanding ejecta of a late-time (> 1 yr) supernova. The emissivity and dust distributions follow smooth radial power-law distributions; any arbitrary distribution can be specified by providing the appropriate grid. DAMOCLES treats a variety of clumping structures as specified by a clumped dust mass fraction, volume filling factor, clump size and clump power-law distribution, and the emissivity distribution may also initially be clumped. The code has a large number of variable parameters ranging from 5 dimensions in the simplest models to > 20 in the most complex cases.

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