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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:1811.018] gdr2_completeness: GaiaDR2 data retrieval and manipulation

gdr2_completeness queries Gaia DR2 TAP services and divides the queries into sub-queries chunked into arbitrary healpix bins. Downloaded data are formatted into arrays. Internal completeness is calculated by dividing the total starcount and starcounts with an applied cut (e.g., radial velocity measurement and good parallax). Independent determination of the external GDR2 completeness per healpix (level 6) and G magnitude bin (3 coarse bins: 8-12,12-15,15-18) is inferred from a crossmatch with 2MASS data. The overall completeness of a specific GDR2 sample can be approximated by multiplying the internal with the external completeness map, which is useful when data are compared to models thereof. Jupyter notebooks showcasing both utilities enable the user to easily construct the overall completeness for arbitrary samples of the GDR2 catalogue.

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