Astrophysics Source Code Library

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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:1907.023] REVOLVER: REal-space VOid Locations from suVEy Reconstruction

REVOLVER reconstructs real space positions from redshift-space tracer data by subtracting RSD through FFT-based reconstruction (optional) and applies void-finding algorithms to create a catalogue of voids in these tracers. The tracers are normally galaxies from a redshift survey but could also be halos or dark matter particles from a simulation box. Two void-finding routines are provided. The first is based on ZOBOV (ascl:1304.005) and uses Voronoi tessellation of the tracer field to estimate the local density, followed by a watershed void-finding step. The second is a voxel-based method, which uses a particle-mesh interpolation to estimate the tracer density, and then uses a similar watershed algorithm. Input data files can be in FITS format, or ASCII- or NPY-formatted data arrays.

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