Astrophysics Source Code Library

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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:2206.024] Wavetrack: Arbitrary time-evolving solar object recognition and tracking

Wavetrack recognizes and tracks CME shock waves, filaments, and other solar objects. The code creates base images by averaging а series of images a few minutes prior to the start of the eruption and constructs base difference images by subtracting base images from the current raw image of the sequence. This enhances the change in intensity caused by coronal bright fronts, omits static details, and reduces noise. Wavetrack then chooses an appropriate intensity interval and decomposes the base difference or running difference image with an A-Trous wavelet transform, where each wavelet coefficient is obtained by convolving the image array with a corresponding iteration of the wavelet kernel. When the maximum value of the wavelet coefficients for a connected set of pixels satisfies certain conditions, this region is considered as a structure on the respective wavelet coefficient. Separate stand-alone object masks are obtained with a clustering algorithm and objects are renumbered according to the number of the quadrant they belong at each iteration.

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