Astrophysics Source Code Library

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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:2305.008] DDFacet: Facet-based radio imaging package

DDFacet provides a wideband wide-field spectral imaging and deconvolution framework that accounts for generic direction-dependent effects (DDEs). It implements a wide-field coplanar faceting scheme and uses nontrivial facet-dependent w-kernels to correct for noncoplanarity within the facets. In the imaging and deconvolution steps, DDFacet can handle generic, spatially discrete, time-frequency-baseline-direction-dependent full polarization Jones matrices, and computes a direction dependent PSF for use in the minor cycle of deconvolution for time-frequency-baseline dependent Mueller matrices. The code also allows for the effects of time and bandwidth averaging to be explicitly incorporated into deconvolution. DDFacet has been successfully tested with data diverse telescopes such as LOFAR, VLA, MeerKAT AR1, and ATCA.

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