Astrophysics Source Code Library

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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:2306.023] RELAGN: AGN SEDs with full GR ray tracing

RELAGN creates spectral models for the calculation of AGN SEDs, ranging from the Optical/UV (outer accretion disc) to the Hard X-ray (Innermost X-ray Corona). The code is available in two languages, Python and Fortran. The Fortran version is written to be used with the spectral fitting software XSPEC (ascl:9910.005), and is the preferred version for analyzing X-ray spectral data. The Python version provides more flexibility for modeling. Whereas the Fortran version produces only a spectrum, the Python implementation can extract the physical properties of the system (such as the physical mass accretion rate, disc size, and efficiency parameters) since these are all stored as attributes within the model. Both versions require a working installation of HEASOFT (ascl:1408.004).

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