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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:2309.019] FRISBHEE: FRIedmann Solver for Black Hole Evaporation in the Early-universe

FRISBHEE (FRIedmann Solver for Black Hole Evaporation in the Early-universe solves the Friedmann - Boltzmann equations for Primordial Black Holes + SM radiation + BSM Models. Considering the collapse of density fluctuations as the PBH formation mechanism, the code handles monochromatic and extended mass and spin distributions. FRISBHEE can return the full evolution of the PBH, SM and Dark Radiation comoving energy densities, together with the evolution of the PBH mass and spin as a function of the log10 at scale factor, and can determine the relic abundance in the case of Dark Matter produced from BH evaporation for monochromatic and extended distributions.

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