Astrophysics Source Code Library

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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:2407.008] RealSim: Statistical observational realism for synthetic images from galaxy simulations

RealSim generates survey-realistic synthetic images of galaxies from hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation and evolution. The main functionality of this code inserts "idealized" simulated galaxies into Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) images in such a way that the statistics of sky brightness, resolution, and crowding are matched between simulated galaxies and observed galaxies in the SDSS. The suite accepts idealized synthetic images in calibrated AB surface brightnesses and rebins them to the desired redshift and CCD angular scale; RealSim can add Poisson noise, if desired, by adopting generic values of photometric calibrations in survey fields. Images produced by the suite can be inserted into real image fields to incorporate real skies, PSF degradation, and contamination by neighboring sources in the field of view. The RealSim methodology can be applied to any existing galaxy imaging survey.

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