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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:2409.006] PICASSO: Inpainter for point-sources for synchrotron and dust polarization

PICASSO (Python Inpainter for Cosmological and AStrophysical SOurces) provides a suite of inpainting methodologies to reconstruct holes on images (128x128 pixels) extracted from a HEALPIX map. Three inpainting techniques are included; these are divided into two main groups: diffusive-based methods (Nearest-Neighbors), and learning-based methods that rely on training DCNNs to fill the missing pixels with the predictions learned from a training data-set (Deep-Prior and Generative Adversarial Networks). PICASSO also provides scripts for projecting from full sky HEALPIX maps to flat thumbnails images, performing inpainting on GPUs and parallel inpainting on multiple processes, and for projecting from flat images to HEALPIX. Pretrained models are also included.

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