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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:2410.010] lensitbiases: rFFT-based flat-sky CMB lensing tools

lensitbiases is an rFFT-based N1 lensing bias calculation and tests. It is tuned for TT, P-only or MV (GMV) like quadratic estimators. It performs rFFT-based N1 and N1 matrix calculations in ~ O(ms) time per lensing multipole for Planck-like config, which allows on-the-fly evaluation of the bias. It also calculates 5 rFFT's of moderate size per L for N1 TT, 20 for PP, and 45 for MV or GMV. lensitbiases is not particularly efficient for low lensing L's, since in this case one must use large boxes.

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