Astrophysics Source Code Library

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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:2412.016] WD_models: WD photometry to physical parameters transformer

WD_models transforms white dwarf (WD) photometry to physical parameters (i.e., mass, cooling age, and Teff) and vice versa, based on interpolation of existing WD atmosphere grid and cooling models. The code converts the coordinates of Gaia (and other passbands) H--R diagram into WD parameters and plots contours of WD parameters on the Gaia (and other passbands) H--R diagram. WD_models also provides tools to transform any desired WD parameters and compare the results of different WD models. In addition, the user may customize many parameters, such as the choice of cooling models and setting details of plotting.

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Preferred citation method: and the corresponding papers of synthetic colors and cooling models provided in the references

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