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[submitted] Caustic Mass Estimator for Galaxy Clusters

The caustic technique is a powerful method to infer cluster mass profiles to clustrocentric distances well beyond the virial radius. It relies in the measure of the escape velocity of the sistem using only galaxy redshift information. This method was introduced by Diaferio & Geller (1997) and Diaferio (1999). This code allows the caustic mass estimation for galaxy clusters, as well as outlier identification as a side effect. However, a pre-cleaning of interlopers is recommended, using e.g., the shifting-gapper technique.

[ascl:2108.007] catwoman: Transit modeling Python package for asymmetric light curves

catwoman models asymmetric transit lightcurves. Written in Python, it calculates light curves for any radially symmetric stellar limb darkening law, and where planets are modeled as two semi-circles of different radii. Catwoman is built on the batman library (ascl:1510.002) and uses its integration algorithm.

[ascl:1810.013] catsHTM: Catalog cross-matching tool

The catsHTM package quickly accesses and cross-matches large astronomical catalogs that have been reformatted into the HDF5-based file format. It performs efficient cone searches at resolutions from a few arc-seconds to degrees within a few milliseconds time, cross-match numerous catalogs, and can do general searches.

[ascl:2007.024] CaTffs: Calcium triplet indexes

CaTffs predicts the strength of calcium triplet indices (CaT*, PaT and CaT) on the basis of empirical fitting functions and performs required interpolations between the different local functions. Together with the indices predictions, the program also computes the random errors associated to such predictions resulting from the covariance matrices of the fits (for the indices CaT* and PaT). This ensures a reliable error index estimation for any combination of input atmospheric parameters.

[ascl:1206.008] Catena: Ensemble of stars orbit integration

Catena integrates the orbits of an ensemble of stars using the chain-regularization method (Mikkola & Aarseth) with an embedded Runge-Kutta integration method of 9(8)th order (Prince & Dormand).

[ascl:2108.008] CatBoost: High performance gradient boosting on decision trees library

CatBoost is a machine learning method based on gradient boosting over decision trees and can be used for ranking, classification, regression and other machine learning tasks for Python, R, Java, C++. It supports both numerical and categorical features and computation on CPU and GPU, and is fast and scalable. Visualization tools are also included in CatBoost.

[ascl:1804.013] CAT-PUMA: CME Arrival Time Prediction Using Machine learning Algorithms

CAT-PUMA (CME Arrival Time Prediction Using Machine learning Algorithms) quickly and accurately predicts the arrival of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) of CME arrival time. The software was trained via detailed analysis of CME features and solar wind parameters using 182 previously observed geo-effective partial-/full-halo CMEs and uses algorithms of the Support Vector Machine (SVM) to make its predictions, which can be made within minutes of providing the necessary input parameters of a CME.

[ascl:1105.010] CASTRO: Multi-dimensional Eulerian AMR Radiation-hydrodynamics Code

CASTRO is a multi-dimensional Eulerian AMR radiation-hydrodynamics code that includes stellar equations of state, nuclear reaction networks, and self-gravity. Initial target applications for CASTRO include Type Ia and Type II supernovae. CASTRO supports calculations in 1-d, 2-d and 3-d Cartesian coordinates, as well as 1-d spherical and 2-d cylindrical (r-z) coordinate systems. Time integration of the hydrodynamics equations is based on an unsplit version of the piecewise parabolic method (PPM) with new limiters that avoid reducing the accuracy of the scheme at smooth extrema. CASTRO can follow an arbitrary number of isotopes or elements. The atomic weights and amounts of these elements are used to calculate the mean molecular weight of the gas required by the equation of state. CASTRO supports several different approaches to solving for self-gravity. The most general is a full Poisson solve for the gravitational potential. CASTRO also supports a monopole approximation for gravity, and a constant gravity option is also available. The CASTRO software is written in C++ and Fortran, and is based on the BoxLib software framework developed by CCSE.

[ascl:1402.013] CASSIS: Interactive spectrum analysis

CASSIS (Centre d'Analyse Scientifique de Spectres Infrarouges et Submillimetriques), written in Java, is suited for broad-band spectral surveys to speed up the scientific analysis of high spectral resolution observations. It uses a local spectroscopic database made of the two molecular spectroscopic databases JPL and CDMS, as well as the atomic spectroscopic database NIST. Its tools include a LTE model and the RADEX (ascl:1010.075) model connected to the LAMDA (ascl:1010.077) molecular collisional database. CASSIS can build a line list fitting the various transitions of a given species and to directly produce rotational diagrams from these lists. CASSIS is fully integrated into HIPE (ascl:1111.001), the Herschel Interactive Processing Environment, as a plug-in.

[ascl:2009.005] CASI-3D: Convolutional Approach to Structure Identification-3D

CASI-3D identifies signatures of stellar feedback in molecular line spectra, such as 12CO and 13CO, using deep learning. The code is developed from CASI-2D (ascl:1905.023) and exploits the full 3D spectral information.

[ascl:1905.023] CASI-2D: Convolutional Approach to Shell Identification - 2D

CASI-2D (Convolutional Approach to Shell Identification) identifies stellar feedback signatures using data from magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of turbulent molecular clouds with embedded stellar sources and deep learning techniques. Specifically, a deep neural network is applied to dense regression and segmentation on simulated density and synthetic 12 CO observations to identify shells, sometimes referred to as "bubbles," and other structures of interest in molecular cloud data.

[ascl:1912.002] casacore: Suite of C++ libraries for radio astronomy data processing

The casacore package contains the core libraries of the old AIPS++/CASA (ascl:1107.013) package. This split was made to get a better separation of core libraries and applications. CASA is now built on top of Casacore. The system consists of a set of layered libraries (packages) and includes a library (using Boost-Python) that converts the basic Casacore types (e.g., Array, Record) to and from Python. Casacore includes the casa package for core functionality and data types like Array and Record; a scimath package for N-dim functions with auto-differentiation and linear or non-linear fitting; and a tables package for the table data system supporting N-dim arrays with advanced querying. It also includes the measures package to manage values in astronomical reference frames using physical units (Quanta) and the MeasurementSets for storing data in the UV-domain, and also the images package for N-dim images in world coordinates with various analysis operations.

[ascl:1107.013] CASA: Common Astronomy Software Applications

CASA, the Common Astronomy Software Applications package, is being developed with the primary goal of supporting the data post-processing needs of the next generation of radio astronomical telescopes such as ALMA and EVLA. The package can process both interferometric and single dish data. The CASA infrastructure consists of a set of C++ tools bundled together under an iPython interface as a set of data reduction tasks. This structure provides flexibility to process the data via task interface or as a python script. In addition to the data reduction tasks, many post-processing tools are available for even more flexibility and special purpose reduction needs.

[ascl:2207.025] casa_cube: Display and analyze astronomical data cubes

casa_cube provides an interface to data cubes generated by CASA (ascl:1107.013) or Gildas (ascl:1305.010). It performs simple tasks such as plotting given channel maps, moment maps, and line profile in various units, and also corrects for cloud extinction, reconvolves with a beam taper, and permits quick and easy comparisons with models.

[ascl:2103.031] CARTA: Cube Analysis and Rendering Tool for Astronomy

CARTA (Cube Analysis and Rendering Tool for Astronomy) is a image visualization and analysis tool designed for the ALMA, VLA, SKA pathfinders, and the ngVLA. If offers catalog support, shared region analytics, profile smoothing, and spectral line query, and more. CARTA adopts a client-server architecture suitable for visualizing images with large file sizes (GB to TB) easily obtained from ALMA, VLA, or SKA pathfinder observations; computation and data storage are handled by remote enterprise-class servers or clusters with high performance storage, while processed products are sent to clients only for visualization with modern web features, such as GPU-accelerated rendering. This architecture also enables users to interact with the ALMA and VLA science archives by using CARTA as an interface. CARTA provides a desktop version and a server version. The former is suitable for single-user usage with a laptop, a desktop, or a remote server in the "remote" execution mode. The latter is suitable for institution-wide deployment to support multiple users with user authentication and additional server-side features.

[ascl:2103.021] Carsus: Atomic database for astronomy

Carsus manages atomic datasets. It requires Chianti (ascl:9911.004), and can read data from a variety of sources and output them to file formats readable by radiative transfer codes such as TARDIS (ascl:1402.018).

[ascl:2005.007] Carpyncho: VVV Catalog browser toolkit

Carpyncho browses catalogs to search for and characterize time variable data of the Vista Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) Survey. The stacked pawprint data from the Cambridge Astronomical Science Unit's (CASU) Vista Data Flow System (VDFS) v>= 1.3 catalogs have been crossed matched with the VDFS CASU v1.3 tile catalogs into Parquet files, allowing detection and classification of periodic variables within this dataset.

[ascl:1611.016] Carpet: Adaptive Mesh Refinement for the Cactus Framework

Carpet is an adaptive mesh refinement and multi-patch driver for the Cactus Framework (ascl:1102.013). Cactus is a software framework for solving time-dependent partial differential equations on block-structured grids, and Carpet acts as driver layer providing adaptive mesh refinement, multi-patch capability, as well as parallelization and efficient I/O.

[ascl:1404.009] carma_pack: MCMC sampler for Bayesian inference

carma_pack is an MCMC sampler for performing Bayesian inference on continuous time autoregressive moving average models. These models may be used to model time series with irregular sampling. The MCMC sampler utilizes an adaptive Metropolis algorithm combined with parallel tempering.

[ascl:1505.003] caret: Classification and Regression Training

caret (Classification And REgression Training) provides functions for training and plotting classification and regression models. It contains tools for data splitting, pre-processing, feature selection, model tuning using resampling, and variable importance estimation, as well as other functionality.

[ascl:2406.007] CARDiAC: Anisotropic Redshift Distributions in Angular Clustering

CARDiAC (Code for Anisotropic Redshift Distributions in Angular Clustering) computes the impact of anisotropic redshift distributions on a wide class of angular clustering observables. It supports auto- and cross-correlations of galaxy samples and cosmic shear maps, including galaxy-galaxy lensing. The anisotropy can be present in the mean redshift and/or width of Gaussian distributions, as well as in the fraction of galaxies in each component of multi-modal distributions. Templates of these variations can be provided by the user or simulated internally within the code.

[ascl:2006.014] CARACal: Containerized Automated Radio Astronomy Calibration pipeline

CARACal (Containerized Automated Radio Astronomy Calibration, formerly MeerKATHI) reduces radio-interferometric data. Developed originally as an end-to-end continuum- and line imaging pipeline for MeerKAT, it can also be used with other radio telescopes. CARACal reduces large data sets and produces high-dynamic-range continuum images and spectroscopic data cubes. The pipeline is platform-independent and delivers imaging quality metrics to efficiently assess the data quality.

[ascl:2308.009] caput: Utilities for building radio astronomy data analysis pipelines

Caput (Cluster Astronomical Python Utilities) contains utilities for handling large datasets on computer clusters. Written with radio astronomy in mind, the package provides an infrastructure for building, managing and configuring pipelines for data processing. It includes modules for dynamically importing and utilizing mpi4py, in-memory mock-ups of h5py objects, and infrastructure for running data analysis pipelines on computer clusters. Caput features a generic container for holding self-documenting datasets in memory with straightforward syncing to h5py files, and offers specialization for holding time stream data. Caput also includes tools for MPI-parallel analysis and routines for converting between different time representations, dealing with leap seconds, and calculating celestial times.

[ascl:2011.002] CAPTURE: Interferometric pipeline for image creation from GMRT data

CAPTURE (CAsa Pipeline-cum-Toolkit for Upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope data REduction) produces continuum images from radio interferometric data. Written in Python, it uses CASA (ascl:1107.013) tasks to analyze data obtained by the GMRT. It can produce self-calibrated images in a fully automatic mode or can run in steps to allow the data to be inspected throughout processing.

[ascl:1404.011] CAP_LOESS_1D & CAP_LOESS_2D: Recover mean trends from noisy data

CAP_LOESS_1D and CAP_LOESS_2D provide improved implementations of the one-dimensional (Clevelend 1979) and two-dimensional (Cleveland & Devlin 1988) Locally Weighted Regression (LOESS) methods to recover the mean trends of the population from noisy data in one or two dimensions. They include a robust approach to deal with outliers (bad data). The software is available in both IDL and Python versions.

[ascl:1106.017] CAOS: Code for Adaptive Optics Systems

The CAOS "system" (where CAOS stands for Code for Adaptive Optics Systems) is properly said a Problem Solving Environment (PSE). It is essentially composed of a graphical programming interface (the CAOS Application Builder) which can load different packages (set of modules). Current publicly distributed packages are the Software Package CAOS (the original adaptive optics package), the Software Package AIRY (an image-reconstruction-oriented package - AIRY stands for Astronomical Image Restoration with interferometrY), the Software Package PAOLAC (a simple CAOS interface for the analytic IDL code PAOLA developed by Laurent Jolissaint - PAOLAC stands for PAOLA within Caos), and a couple of private packages (not publicly distributed but restricted to the corresponding consortia): SPHERE (especially developed for the VLT planet finder SPHERE), and AIRY-LN (a specialized version of AIRY for the LBT instrument LINC-NIRVANA). Another package is also being developed: MAOS (that stands for Multiconjugate Adaptive Optics Simulations), developed for multi-reference multiconjugate AO studies purpose but still in a beta-version form.

[ascl:2406.004] candl: Differentiable likelihood framework for analyzing CMB power spectrum measurements

candl (CMB Analysis With A Differentiable Likelihood) analyzes CMB power spectrum measurements using a differentiable likelihood framework. It is compatible with JAX (ascl:2111.002), though JAX is optional, allowing for fast and easy computation of gradients and Hessians of the likelihoods, and candl provides interface tools for working with other cosmology software packages, including Cobaya (ascl:1910.019) and MontePython (ascl:1805.027). The package also provides auxiliary tools for common analysis tasks, such as generating mock data, and supports the analysis of primary CMB and lensing power spectrum data.

[ascl:1505.030] CANDID: Companion Analysis and Non-Detection in Interferometric Data

CANDID finds faint companion around star in interferometric data in the OIFITS format. It allows systematically searching for faint companions in OIFITS data, and if not found, estimates the detection limit. The tool is based on model fitting and Chi2 minimization, with a grid for the starting points of the companion position. It ensures all positions are explored by estimating a-posteriori if the grid is dense enough, and provides an estimate of the optimum grid density.

[ascl:1502.015] Camelus: Counts of Amplified Mass Elevations from Lensing with Ultrafast Simulations

Camelus provides a prediction on weak lensing peak counts from input cosmological parameters. Written in C, it samples halos from a mass function and assigns a profile, carries out ray-tracing simulations, and then counts peaks from ray-tracing maps. The creation of the ray-tracing simulations requires less computing time than N-body runs and the results is in good agreement with full N-body simulations.

[ascl:1605.006] CAMELOT: Cloud Archive for MEtadata, Library and Online Toolkit

CAMELOT facilitates the comparison of observational data and simulations of molecular clouds and/or star-forming regions. The central component of CAMELOT is a database summarizing the properties of observational data and simulations in the literature through pertinent metadata. The core functionality allows users to upload metadata, search and visualize the contents of the database to find and match observations/simulations over any range of parameter space.

To bridge the fundamental disconnect between inherently 2D observational data and 3D simulations, the code uses key physical properties that, in principle, are straightforward for both observers and simulators to measure — the surface density (Sigma), velocity dispersion (sigma) and radius (R). By determining these in a self-consistent way for all entries in the database, it should be possible to make robust comparisons.

[ascl:1801.007] cambmag: Magnetic Fields in CAMB

cambmag is a modification to CAMB (ascl:1102.026) that calculates the compensated magnetic mode in the scalar, vector and tensor case. Previously CAMB included code only for the vectors. It also corrects for tight-coupling issues and adds in the ability to include massive neutrinos when calculating vector modes.

[ascl:1102.026] CAMB: Code for Anisotropies in the Microwave Background

We present a fully covariant and gauge-invariant calculation of the evolution of anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. We use the physically appealing covariant approach to cosmological perturbations, which ensures that all variables are gauge-invariant and have a clear physical interpretation. We derive the complete set of frame-independent, linearised equations describing the (Boltzmann) evolution of anisotropy and inhomogeneity in an almost Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) cold dark matter (CDM) universe. These equations include the contributions of scalar, vector and tensor modes in a unified manner. Frame-independent equations for scalar and tensor perturbations, which are valid for any value of the background curvature, are obtained straightforwardly from the complete set of equations. We discuss the scalar equations in detail, including the integral solution and relation with the line of sight approach, analytic solutions in the early radiation dominated era, and the numerical solution in the standard CDM model. Our results confirm those obtained by other groups, who have worked carefully with non-covariant methods in specific gauges, but are derived here in a completely transparent fashion.

[ascl:1105.013] CAMB Sources: Number Counts, Lensing & Dark-age 21cm Power Spectra

We relate the observable number of sources per solid angle and redshift to the underlying proper source density and velocity, background evolution and line-of-sight potentials. We give an exact result in the case of linearized perturbations assuming general relativity. This consistently includes contributions of the source density perturbations and redshift distortions, magnification, radial displacement, and various additional linear terms that are small on sub-horizon scales. In addition we calculate the effect on observed luminosities, and hence the result for sources observed as a function of flux, including magnification bias and radial-displacement effects. We give the corresponding linear result for a magnitude-limited survey at low redshift, and discuss the angular power spectrum of the total count distribution. We also calculate the cross-correlation with the CMB polarization and temperature including Doppler source terms, magnification, redshift distortions and other velocity effects for the sources, and discuss why the contribution of redshift distortions is generally small. Finally we relate the result for source number counts to that for the brightness of line radiation, for example 21-cm radiation, from the sources.

[ascl:2207.015] calviacat: Calibrate star photometry by catalog comparison

calviacat calibrates star photometry by comparison to a catalog, including PanSTARRS 1, ATLAS-RefCat2, and SkyMapper catalogs. Catalog queries are cached so that subsequent calibrations of the same or similar fields can be more quickly executed.

[ascl:2301.001] CALSAGOS: Select cluster members and search, find, and identify substructures

CALSAGOS (Clustering ALgorithmS Applied to Galaxies in Overdense Systems) selects cluster members and searches, finds, and identifies substructures and galaxy groups in and around galaxy clusters using the redshift and position in the sky of the galaxies. The package offers two ways to determine cluster members, ISOMER and CLUMBERI. The ISOMER (Identifier of SpectrOscopic MembERs) function selects the spectroscopic cluster members by defining cluster members as those galaxies with a peculiar velocity lower than the escape velocity of the cluster. The CLUMBERI (CLUster MemBER Identifier) function select the cluster members using a 3D-Gaussian Mixture Modules (GMM). Both functions remove the field interlopers by using a 3-sigma clipping algorithm. CALSAGOS uses the function LAGASU (LAbeller of GAlaxies within SUbstructures) to search, find, and identify substructures and groups in and around a galaxy cluster; this function is based on clustering algorithms (GMM and DBSCAN), which search areas with high density to define a substructure or groups.

[ascl:2106.035] CalPriorSNIa: Effective calibration prior on the absolute magnitude of Type Ia supernovae

CalPriorSNIa quickly computes the effective calibration prior on the absolute magnitude MB of Type Ia supernovae that corresponds to a given determination of H0.

[ascl:1210.010] CALCLENS: Curved-sky grAvitational Lensing for Cosmological Light conE simulatioNS

CALCLENS, written in C and employing widely available software libraries, efficiently computes weak gravitational lensing shear signals from large N-body light cone simulations over a curved sky. The algorithm properly accounts for the sky curvature and boundary conditions, is able to produce redshift-dependent shear signals including corrections to the Born approximation by using multiple-plane ray tracing, and properly computes the lensed images of source galaxies in the light cone. The key feature of this algorithm is a new, computationally efficient Poisson solver for the sphere that combines spherical harmonic transform and multgrid methods. As a result, large areas of sky (~10,000 square degrees) can be ray traced efficiently at high-resolution using only a few hundred cores on widely available machines. Coupled with realistic galaxy populations placed in large N-body light cone simulations, CALCLENS is ideally suited for the construction of synthetic weak lensing shear catalogs to be used to test for systematic effects in data analysis procedures for upcoming large-area sky surveys.

[ascl:1505.001] CALCEPH: Planetary ephemeris files access code

CALCEPH accesses binary planetary ephemeris files, including INPOPxx, JPL DExxx ,and SPICE ephemeris files. It provides a C Application Programming Interface (API) and, optionally, a Fortran 77 or 2003 interface to be called by the application. Two groups of functions enable the access to the ephemeris files, single file access functions, provided to make transition easier from the JPL functions, such as PLEPH, to this library, and many ephemeris file at the same time. Although computers have different endianess (order in which integers are stored as bytes in computer memory), CALCEPH can handles the binary ephemeris files with any endianess by automatically swaps the bytes when it performs read operations on the ephemeris file.

[ascl:2501.001] CAFE: Continuum And Feature Extraction tool

CAFE (Continuum And Feature Extraction) fits JWST IFU data; the code is a Python version of the original CAFE IDL software for fitting Spitzer/IRS spectra. The code contains two main tools: (1) the CAFE Region Extraction Tool Automaton (CRETA) and (2) the CAFE spectral fitting tool, or fitter. CRETA performs single-position and full-grid extractions from JWST IFU datasets; that is, from pipeline-processed cubes obtained with the NIRSpec IFU and MIRI MRS instruments. The CAFE fitter uses the spectra extracted by CRETA (or spectra provided by the user) and performs a spectral decomposition of the continuum emission (stellar and/or dust), as well as of a variety of common spectral features (in emission and absorption) present in the near- and mid-IR spectra of galaxies, including prominent, broad emission from small grains and molecules such as Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). The full dust treatment (size and composition) performed by CAFE allows the dust continuum model components to fit not only spectra from typical star-forming galaxies, but also those from more extreme, heavily dust-obscured starburst galaxies, such as luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs), active galactic nuclei (AGN), or very luminous quasars.

[ascl:1807.015] CAESAR: Compact And Extended Source Automated Recognition

CAESAR extracts and parameterizes both compact and extended sources from astronomical radio interferometric maps. The processing pipeline is a series of stages that can run on multiple cores and processors. After local background and rms map computation, compact sources are extracted with flood-fill and blob finder algorithms, processed (selection + deblending), and fitted using a 2D gaussian mixture model. Extended source search is based on a pre-filtering stage, allowing image denoising, compact source removal and enhancement of diffuse emission, followed by a final segmentation. Different algorithms are available for image filtering and segmentation. The outputs delivered to the user include source fitted and shape parameters, regions and contours. Written in C++, CAESAR is designed to handle the large-scale surveys planned with the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) and its precursors.

[ascl:2108.009] caesar-rest: Web service for the caesar source extractor

caesar-rest is a REST-ful web service for astronomical source extraction and classification with the caesar source extractor [ascl:1807.015]. The software is developed in python and consists of containerized microservices, deployable on standalone servers or on a distributed cloud infrastructure. The core component is the REST web application, based on the Flask framework and providing APIs for managing the input data (e.g. data upload/download/removal) and source finding jobs (e.g. submit, get status, get outputs) with different job management systems (Kubernetes, Slurm, Celery). Additional services (AAI, user DB, log storage, job monitor, accounting) enable the user authentication, the storage and retrieval of user data and job information, the monitoring of submitted jobs, and the aggregation of service logs and user data/job stats.

[ascl:1303.017] CADRE: CArma Data REduction pipeline

CADRE, the Combined Array for Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA) data reduction pipeline, gives investigators a first look at a fully reduced set of their data. It runs automatically on all data produced by the telescope as they arrive in the data archive. The pipeline is written in python and uses python wrappers for MIRIAD subroutines for direct access to the data. It applies passband, gain and flux calibration to the data sets and produces a set of continuum and spectral line maps in both MIRIAD and FITS format.

[ascl:2306.037] CADET: X-ray cavity detection tool

The machine learning pipeline CADET (CAvity DEtection Tool) finds and size-estimates arbitrary surface brightness depressions (X-ray cavities) on noisy Chandra images of galaxies. The pipeline is a self-standing Python script and inputs either raw Chandra images in units of counts (numbers of captured photons) or normalized background-subtracted and/or exposure-corrected images. CADET saves corresponding pixel-wise as well as decomposed cavity predictions in FITS format and also preserves the WCS coordinates; it also outputs a PNG file showing decomposed predictions for individual scales.

[ascl:1102.013] Cactus: HPC infrastructure and programming tools

Cactus provides computational scientists and engineers with a collaborative, modular and portable programming environment for parallel high performance computing. Cactus can make use of many other technologies for HPC, such as Samrai, HDF5, PETSc and PAPI, and several application domains such as numerical relativity, computational fluid dynamics and quantum gravity are developing open community toolkits for Cactus.

[ascl:1610.006] C3: Command-line Catalogue Crossmatch for modern astronomical surveys

The Command-line Catalogue Cross-matching (C3) software efficiently performs the positional cross-match between massive catalogues from modern astronomical surveys, whose size have rapidly increased in the current data-driven science era. Based on a multi-core parallel processing paradigm, it is executed as a stand-alone command-line process or integrated within any generic data reduction/analysis pipeline. C3 provides its users with flexibility in portability, parameter configuration, catalogue formats, angular resolution, region shapes, coordinate units and cross-matching types.

[ascl:2312.024] C2-Ray3Dm1D_Helium: Hydrogen + helium version of C2-Ray

C2-Ray3Dm1D_Helium is the hydrogen + helium version of the radiative transfer photo-ionization code C2-Ray. It combines the 1D and 3D versions of the code.

[ascl:2312.023] C2-Ray3Dm: 3D version of C2-Ray for multiple sources, hydrogen only

C2-Ray3Dm performs time-dependent photo-ionization calculations for 3D multiple sources, and for hydrogen only. Based on C2-Ray (ascl:2312.022), it runs under both MPI and OpenMP. The length of subroutines has been reduced to make the code more manageable and easier to read.

[ascl:2312.022] C2-Ray: Time-dependent photo-ionization calculations

C2-Ray calculates spherical symmetric time-dependent photo-ionization in 1D with the source at the origin for hydrogen only. The code is explicitly photon-conserving and uses an analytical relaxation solution for the ionization rate equations for each time step, thus enabling integration of the equation of transfer along a ray with fewer cells and time steps than previous methods. It is suitable for coupling radiative transfer to gas and N-body dynamics methods on fixed or adaptive grids. C2-Ray is not parallelized but contains an MPI module for compatibility with the 3D version (C2-Ray3Dm).

[ascl:1211.005] C-m Emu: Concentration-mass relation emulator

The concentration-mass relation for dark matter-dominated halos is one of the essential results expected from a theory of structure formation. C-m Emu is a simple numerical code for the c-M relation as a function of cosmological parameters for wCDM models generates the best-fit power-law model for each redshift separately and then interpolate between the redshifts. This produces a more accurate answer at each redshift at the minimal cost of running a fast code for every c -M prediction instead of using one fitting formula. The emulator is constructed from 37 individual models, with three nested N-body gravity-only simulations carried out for each model. The mass range covered by the emulator is 2 x 10^{12} M_sun < M <10^{15} M_sun with a corresponding redshift range of z=0 -1. Over this range of mass and redshift, as well as the variation of cosmological parameters studied, the mean halo concentration varies from c ~ 2 to c ~ 8. The distribution of the concentration at fixed mass is Gaussian with a standard deviation of one-third of the mean value, almost independent of cosmology, mass, and redshift over the ranges probed by the simulations.

[ascl:1610.011] BXA: Bayesian X-ray Analysis

BXA connects the nested sampling algorithm MultiNest (ascl:1109.006) to the X-ray spectral analysis environments Xspec (ascl:9910.005) and Sherpa (ascl:1107.005) for Bayesian parameter estimation and model comparison. It provides parameter estimation in arbitrary dimensions and plotting of spectral model vs. the data for best fit, posterior samples, or each component. BXA allows for model selection; it computes the evidence for the considered model, ready for use in computing Bayes factors and is not limited to nested models. It also visualizes deviations between model and data with Quantile-Quantile (QQ) plots, which do not require binning and are more comprehensive than residuals.

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