Astrophysics Source Code Library

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[ascl:1212.006] CosmoPMC: Cosmology sampling with Population Monte Carlo

CosmoPMC is a Monte-Carlo sampling method to explore the likelihood of various cosmological probes. The sampling engine is implemented with the package pmclib. It is called Population MonteCarlo (PMC), which is a novel technique to sample from the posterior. PMC is an adaptive importance sampling method which iteratively improves the proposal to approximate the posterior. This code has been introduced, tested and applied to various cosmology data sets.

[ascl:1402.026] athena: Tree code for second-order correlation functions

athena is a 2d-tree code that estimates second-order correlation functions from input galaxy catalogues. These include shear-shear correlations (cosmic shear), position-shear (galaxy-galaxy lensing) and position-position (spatial angular correlation). Written in C, it includes a power-spectrum estimator implemented in Python; this script also calculates the aperture-mass dispersion. A test data set is available.

[ascl:1502.015] Camelus: Counts of Amplified Mass Elevations from Lensing with Ultrafast Simulations

Camelus provides a prediction on weak lensing peak counts from input cosmological parameters. Written in C, it samples halos from a mass function and assigns a profile, carries out ray-tracing simulations, and then counts peaks from ray-tracing maps. The creation of the ray-tracing simulations requires less computing time than N-body runs and the results is in good agreement with full N-body simulations.

[ascl:1707.007] swot: Super W Of Theta

SWOT (Super W Of Theta) computes two-point statistics for very large data sets, based on “divide and conquer” algorithms, mainly, but not limited to data storage in binary trees, approximation at large scale, parellelization (open MPI), and bootstrap and jackknife resampling methods “on the fly”. It currently supports projected and 3D galaxy auto and cross correlations, galaxy-galaxy lensing, and weighted histograms.

[ascl:2206.026] ShapePipe: Galaxy shape measurement pipeline

ShapePipe processes single-exposure images and stacked images. Input images have to be calibrated beforehand for astrometry and photometry. The code can handle different image and file types, such as single-exposure mosaic, single-exposure single-CCD, stacked images, database catalog files, and PSF files, some of which are created by the pipeline during the analysis, among others. The end product of ShapePipe is a final catalog containing information for each galaxy, including its shape parameters and the ellipticity components :math:e_1 and :math:e_2. This catalog also contains shapes of artificially sheared images. This information is used in post-processing to compute calibrated shear estimates via metacalibration.

[ascl:2211.008] pmclib: Population Monte Carlo library

The Population Monte-Carlo (PMC) sampling code pmclib performs fast end efficient parallel iterative importance sampling to compute integrals over the posterior including the Bayesian evidence.

[ascl:2302.001] nicaea: NumerIcal Cosmology And lEnsing cAlculations

nicaea calculates cosmology and weak-lensing quantities and functions from theoretical models of the large-scale structure. Written in C, it can compute the Hubble parameter, distances, and geometry for background cosmology, and linear perturbations, including growth factor, transfer function, cluster mass function, and linear 3D power spectra. It also calculates fitting formulae for non-linear power spectra, emulators, and halo model for Non-linear evolution, and the HOD model for galaxy clustering. In addition, nicaea can compute quantities for cosmic shear such as the convergence power spectrum, second-order correlation functions and derived second-order quantities, and third-order aperture mass moment; it can also calculate CMB anisotropies via CAMB (ascl:1102.026).