Astrophysics Source Code Library

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ASCL Code Record

[submitted] SWIFTGalaxy

SWIFTGalaxy provides a software abstraction of simulated galaxies produced by the SWIFT smoothed particle hydrodynamics code. It extends the SWIFTSimIO module and is tailored to analyses of particles belonging to individual simulated galaxies. It inherits from and extends the functionality of the SWIFTDataset. It understands the output of halo finders and therefore which particles belong to a galaxy, and its integrated properties. The particles occupy a coordinate frame that is enforced to be consistent, such that particles loaded on-the-fly will match e.g. rotations and translations of particles already in memory. Intuitive masking of particle datasets is also enabled. Finally, some utilities to make working in cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems more convenient are also provided.

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