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ASCL Code Record

[submitted] FELINE: A Tool to Detect Emission Line Galaxies in 3D Data

The Find Emission LINEs tool FELINE combines a fully parallelized galaxy line template
matching with a matched filter approach for individual emission features.
The FELINE algorithm evaluates the likelihood in each spectrum of a 3D data cube for emission lines at the positions provided by a given redshift and a certain combination of typical emission features.
FELINE does not evaluate the observed data cube directly, but instead utilizes the result of an emission line matched filter to boost the signal-to-noise of any such feature in the data cube. FELINE, however, does not pick individual peaks from that data as separate objects but instead simultaneously assesses the accumulative signal at all spectral positions that correspond to a certain set of emission lines at any redshift within the range of interest.

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Wendt et al., (2025). FELINE: A Tool to Detect Emission Line Galaxies in 3D Data. Journal of Open Source Software, 10(107), 7528,

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