Fourteen codes were added to the ASCL in July; there are now 475 codes in the library.
Astropysics: Astrophysics utilities for python
dcr: Cosmic Ray Removal
EXOFAST: Fast transit and/or RV fitter for single exoplanet
HiGPUs: Hermite’s N-body integrator running on Graphic Processing Units
Hyperion: Parallelized 3D Dust Continuum Radiative Transfer Code
JKTEBOP: Analyzing light curves of detached eclipsing binaries
L.A.Cosmic: Laplacian Cosmic Ray Identification
PCA: Principal Component Analysis for spectra modeling
PyFITS: Python FITS Module
PyRAF: Python alternative for IRAF
PySALT: SALT science pipeline
VAC: Versatile Advection Code
wvrgcal: Correction of atmospheric phase fluctuations in ALMA observations
xSonify: Sonification software