Seven codes were added to the ASCL in July 2017:
CCFpams: Atmospheric stellar parameters from cross-correlation functions
Gala: Galactic astronomy and gravitational dynamics
HRM: HII Region Models
pyaneti: Multi-planet radial velocity and transit fitting
PyMOC: Multi-Order Coverage map module for Python
SASRST: Semi-Analytic Solutions for 1-D Radiative Shock Tubes
swot: Super W Of Theta
And thirty codes were added to the ASCL in August 2017:
4DAO: DAOSPEC interface
ALCHEMIC: Advanced time-dependent chemical kinetics
ANA: Astrophysical Neutrino Anisotropy
Astroquery: Access to online data resources
ATOOLS: A command line interface to the AST library
BAGEMASS: Bayesian age and mass estimates for transiting planet host stars
CINE: Comet INfrared Excitation
ComEst: Completeness Estimator
CRISPRED: CRISP imaging spectropolarimeter data reduction pipeline
CUTEX: CUrvature Thresholding Extractor
DISORT: DIScrete Ordinate Radiative Transfer
empiriciSN: Supernova parameter generator
ExoSOFT: Exoplanet Simple Orbit Fitting Toolbox
extinction-distances: Estimating distances to dark clouds
FIEStool: Automated data reduction for FIber-fed Echelle Spectrograph (FIES)
GAMBIT: Global And Modular BSM Inference Tool
GANDALF: Gas AND Absorption Line Fitting
GMM: Gaussian Mixture Modeling
iSEDfit: Bayesian spectral energy distribution modeling of galaxies
KERTAP: Strong lensing effects of Kerr black holes
LCC: Light Curves Classifier
Naima: Derivation of non-thermal particle distributions through MCMC spectral fitting
PACSman: IDL Suite for Herschel/PACS spectrometer data
PBMC: Pre-conditioned Backward Monte Carlo code for radiative transport in planetary atmospheres
pyLCSIM: X-ray lightcurves simulator
RM-CLEAN: RM spectra cleaner
SINFONI Pipeline: Data reduction pipeline for the Very Large Telescope SINFONI spectrograph
STools: IDL Tools for Spectroscopic Analysis
TWO-POP-PY: Two-population dust evolution model
XDGMM: eXtreme Deconvolution Gaussian Mixture Modeling