How much have things changed? The previous “big 4” journals that had citations to ASCL entries have been joined by AJ and the percentage of citations from MNRAS has dropped a bit, but overall, the wedges of these two piecharts, one from October, 2015 and the second from today, look remarkably similar.
At the time the 2015 piechart was created, ASCL entries had been cited 465 times; today, ADS shows 2093 citations to ASCL entries. Seventeen percent of ASCL entries had been cited in October 2015, and as of today, over 29% of ASCL entries have citations.
Of course there are other ways to cite software, and the ASCL supports all citable methods and ASCL entries include preferred citation information where possible.
Do we list how your software should be cited? If not, please let us know your preferred method and we will add it to the entry!