Sixteen codes were added to the ASCL in September 2018:
dynesty: Dynamic Nested Sampling package
Isca: Idealized global circulation modeling
LEMON: Differential photometry pipeline
MrMoose: Multi-Resolution Multi-Object/Origin Spectral Energy distribution fitting procedure
NEBULA: Radiative transfer code of ionized nebulae at radio wavelengths
nestcheck: Nested sampling calculations analysis
PASTA: Python Astronomical Stacking Tool Array
PCCDPACK: Polarimetry with CCD
perfectns: “Perfect” dynamic and standard nested sampling for spherically symmetric likelihoods and priors
PyQSOFit: Python code to fit the spectrum of quasars
qp: Quantile parametrization for probability distribution functions
RequiSim: Variance weighted overlap calculator
spops: Spinning black-hole binary population synthesis
stepped_luneburg: Stacked-based ray tracing code to model a stepped Luneburg lens
surfinBH: Surrogate final black hole properties for mergers of binary black holes
VBBINARYLENSING: Microlensing light-curve computation