The ASCL makes it easy to cite the software astro research depends on. Every astronomy journal and many others such as Science and Nature accept ASCL references; ADS shows citations to ASCL entries from nearly 90 journals. Citations to ASCL entries are tracked by ADS, Web of Science, and other indices.
Citations to ASCL entries from ADS as of 12/05/2018
ADS makes it easy to search for software in its holdings through the use of the “software” doctype.
ASCL has started tagging NASA software among its entries, allowing you to search ASCL and ADS for this software.
You can find the tags on an entry below the “Discuss” button.
Citation information and other statistics, such as the number of site links we most recently checked, when we checked them, and how many are healthy, appear on our dashboard, which is updated on Tuesdays and Fridays.
If you have any questions about citing ASCL entries, we’re happy to help! Email or tweet to @asclnet.