Twenty-two codes were added to the ASCL in June 2019:
Astroalign: Asterism-matching alignment of astronomical images
Blimpy: Breakthrough Listen I/O Methods for Python
centerRadon: Center determination code in stellar images
FREDDA: A fast, real-time engine for de-dispersing amplitudes
GPUVMEM: Maximum Entropy Method (MEM) GPU algorithm for radio astronomical image synthesis
Kalman: Forecasts and interpolations for ALMA calibrator variability
limb-darkening: Limb-darkening coefficients generator
Lizard: An extensible Cyclomatic Complexity Analyzer
LIZARD: Particle initial conditions for cosmological simulations
mcfit: Multiplicatively Convolutional Fast Integral Transforms
MEGAlib: Medium Energy Gamma-ray Astronomy library
MORPHEUS: A 3D Eulerian Godunov MPI-OpenMP hydrodynamics code with multiple grid geometries
Morpheus: Pixel-level analysis of astronomical image data
OIT: Nonconvex optimization approach to optical-interferometric imaging
PandExo: Instrument simulations for exoplanet observation planning
PlasmaPy: Core Python package for plasma physics
PyA: Python astronomy-related packages
pyLIMA: Microlensing modeling package
PyMORESANE: Python MOdel REconstruction by Synthesis-ANalysis Estimators
T-RECS: Tiered Radio Extragalactic Continuum Simulation
The Exo-Striker: Transit and radial velocity interactive fitting tool for orbital analysis and N-body simulations
turboSETI: Python-based SETI search algorithm