Thirty-two codes were added to the ASCL in July 2019:
Astro-SCRAPPY: Speedy Cosmic Ray Annihilation Package in Python
astrodendro: Astronomical data dendrogram creator
beamconv: Cosmic microwave background detector data simulator
CMDPT: Color Magnitude Diagrams Plot Tool
Dewarp: Distortion removal and on-sky orientation solution for LBTI detectors
GaussPy: Python implementation of the Autonomous Gaussian Decomposition algorithm
GaussPy+: Gaussian decomposition package for emission line spectra
GIST: Galaxy IFU Spectroscopy Tool
healvis: Radio interferometric visibility simulator based on HEALpix maps
intensitypower: Spectrum multipoles modeler
MCRGNet: Morphological Classification of Radio Galaxy Network
MGB: Interactive spectral classification code
molly: 1D astronomical spectra analyzer
OMNICAL: Redundant calibration code for low frequency radio interferometers
Plonk: Smoothed particle hydrodynamics data analysis and visualization
POCS: PANOPTES Observatory Control System
PRISM: Probabilistic Regression Instrument for Simulating Models
pyGTC: Parameter covariance plots
pyuvdata: Pythonic interface to interferometric data sets
REVOLVER: REal-space VOid Locations from suVEy Reconstruction
ROHSA: Separation of diffuse sources in hyper-spectral data
RVSpecFit: Radial velocity and stellar atmospheric parameter fitting
SARA-PPD: Preconditioned primal-dual algorithm for radio-interferometric imaging
sbpy: Small-body planetary astronomy
schwimmbad: Parallel processing pools interface
Skyfield: High precision research-grade positions for planets and Earth satellites generator
SPAM: Hu-Sawicki f(R) gravity imprints search
StePar: Inferring stellar atmospheric parameters using the EW method
TurbuStat: Turbulence statistics in spectral-line data cubes
Wōtan: Stellar detrending methods
XDF-GAN: Mock astronomical survey generator
ZChecker: Zwicky Transient Facility moving target checker for short object lists