Twenty-four codes were added to the ASCL in November 2019:
ATHOS: A Tool for HOmogenizing Stellar parameters
ATLAS: Turning Dopplergram images into frequency shift measurements
CLUSTEREASY: Lattice simulator for evolving interacting scalar fields in an expanding universe on parallel computing clusters
comb: Spectral line data reduction and analysis package
FFTLog-and-beyond: Generalized FFTLog algorithm
frbpoppy: Fast radio burst population synthesis in Python
Fruitbat: Fast radio burst redshift estimation
HeatingRate: Radioactive heating rate and macronova (kilonova) light curve
HLattice: Scalar fields and gravity simulator for the early universe
IDG: Image Domain Gridding
LATTICEEASY: Lattice simulator for evolving interacting scalar fields in an expanding universe
MARTINI: Mock spatially resolved spectral line observations of simulated galaxies
miluphcuda: Smooth particle hydrodynamics code
MORDI: Massively-Overlapped Ring-Diagram Inversion
OpenSPH: Astrophysical SPH and N-body simulations and interactive visualization tools
OrbWeaver: Galaxy/(sub)halo orbital processing tool
PLAN: A Clump-finder for Planetesimal Formation Simulations
planetplanet: General photodynamical code for exoplanet light curves
PypeIt: Python spectroscopic data reduction pipeline
TreeFrog: Construct halo merger trees and compare halo catalogs
uvplot: Interferometric visibilities plotter
VELOCIraptor-STF: Six-dimensional Friends-of-Friends phase space halo finder
WhereWolf: Galaxy/(sub)Halo ghosting tool for N-body simulations
Zeltron: Explicit 3D relativistic electromagnetic Particle-In-Cell code