Twenty-four codes were added to the ASCL in July 2020:
CaTffs: Calcium triplet indexes
CosmoGRaPH: Cosmological General Relativity and (Perfect fluid | Particle) Hydrodynamics
DarkHistory: Modified cosmic ionization and thermal histories calculator
FleCSPH: Parallel and distributed SPH implementation based on the FleCSI
GProtation: Measuring stellar rotation periods with Gaussian processes
hierArc: Hierarchical analysis of strong gravitational lenses
JB2008: Empirical Thermospheric Density Model
Line-Stacker: Spectral lines stacking
MAGI: Initial-condition generator for galactic N-body simulations
MPSolve: Multiprecision Polynomial SOLVEr
OSPEX: Object Spectral Executive
PARS: Paint the Atmospheres of Rotating Stars
PeTar: ParticlE Tree & particle-particle & Algorithmic Regularization code for simulating massive star clusters
polyMV: Multipolar coefficients converter
PoPE: Population Profile Estimator
PSRVoid: Statistical suite for folded pulsar data
pygwinc: Gravitational Wave Interferometer Noise Calculator
ReadPDS: Visualization tools for PDS4 data
SPARTA: SPectroscopic vARiabiliTy Analysis
SPARTA: Subhalo and PARticle Trajectory Analysis
spex_to_xspec: Convert SPEX output to XSPEC input
SPEX: Spectral Executive
TROVE: Theoretical ROVibrational Energies
wdtools: Spectroscopic analysis of white dwarfs