Twenty-six codes were added to the ASCL in February, 2023:
AART: Adaptive Analytical Ray Tracing
AMICAL: Aperture Masking Interferometry Calibration and Analysis Library
AnalyticLC: Dynamical modeling of planetary systems
celmech: Sandbox for celestial mechanics calculations
deconfuser: Fast orbit fitting to directly imaged multi-planetary systems
Diffmah: Differentiable models of halo and galaxy formation history
Diffstar: Differentiable star formation histories
DSPS: Differentiable Stellar Population Synthesis
EXOTIC: EXOplanet Transit Interpretation Code
FCFC: C toolkit for computing correlation functions from pair counts
GCP: Automated GILDAS-CLASS Pipeline
HawkingNet: Finding Hawking points in the Cosmic Microwave Background
HDMSpectra: Dark Matter Spectra from the electroweak to the Planck scale
kima: Exoplanet detection in RVs with DNest4 and GPs
MADCUBA: MAdrid Data CUBe Analysis
nicaea: NumerIcal Cosmology And lEnsing cAlculations
PHOTOe: Monte Carlo model for simulating the slowing down of photoelectrons
RALF: RADEX Line Fitter
RCR: Robust Chauvenet Outlier Rejection
RichValues: Managing numeric values with uncertainties and upper/lower limits
SASHIMI-C: Semi-Analytical SubHalo Inference ModelIng for Cold Dark Matter
SASHIMI-W: Semi-Analytical SubHalo Inference ModelIng for Warm Dark Matter
SFQEDtoolkit: Strong-field QED processes modeling for PIC and Monte Carlo codes
swyft: Scientific simulation-based inference at scale
UBER: Universal Boltzmann Equation Solver
UniverseMachine: Empirical model for galaxy formation