Eighteen codes were added to the ASCL in March, 2016:
Asfgrid: Asteroseismic parameters for a star
CORBITS: Efficient Geometric Probabilities of Multi-Transiting Exoplanetary Systems
Dedalus: Flexible framework for spectrally solving differential equations
DiskJockey: Protoplanetary disk modeling for dynamical mass derivation
ellc: Light curve model for eclipsing binary stars and transiting exoplanets
EQUIB: Atomic level populations and line emissivities calculator
ExoPriors: Accounting for observational bias of transiting exoplanets
FAST-PT: Convolution integrals in cosmological perturbation theory calculator
fibmeasure: Python/Cython module to find the center of back-illuminated optical fibers in metrology images
gPhoton: Time-tagged GALEX photon events analysis tools
HIIexplorer: Detect and extract integrated spectra of HII regions
PyGSM: Python interface to the Global Sky Model
PolRadTran: Polarized Radiative Transfer Model Distribution
ROBAST: ROOT-based ray-tracing library for cosmic-ray telescopes
SILSS: SPHERE/IRDIS Long-Slit Spectroscopy pipeline
SMARTIES: Spheroids Modelled Accurately with a Robust T-matrix Implementation for Electromagnetic Scattering
tpipe: Searching radio interferometry data for fast, dispersed transients
VIP: Vortex Image Processing pipeline for high-contrast direct imaging of exoplanets