Twelve codes were added to the ASCL in January 2017:
CosmoSlik: Cosmology sampler of likelihoods
Forecaster: Mass and radii of planets predictor
GrayStar: Web-based pedagogical stellar modeling
GrayStarServer: Stellar atmospheric modeling and spectrum synthesis
GWFrames: Manipulate gravitational waveforms
KAULAKYS: Inelastic collisions between hydrogen atoms and Rydberg atoms
kcorrect: Calculate K-corrections between observed and desired bandpasses
MSWAVEF: Momentum-Space Wavefunctions
SONG: Second Order Non-Gaussianity
Spectra: Time series power spectrum calculator
The Joker: A custom Monte Carlo sampler for binary-star and exoplanet radial velocity data
Vizic: Jupyter-based interactive visualization tool for astronomical catalogs
And twelve codes were added to the ASCL in February 2017:
Chempy: A flexible chemical evolution model for abundance fitting
corner: Corner plots
GalaxyGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for recovery of galaxy features
GRIM: General Relativistic Implicit Magnetohydrodynamics
HOURS: Simulation and analysis software for the KM3NeT
JetCurry: Modeling 3D geometry of AGN jets from 2D images
juwvid: Julia code for time-frequency analysis
KEPLER: General purpose 1D multizone hydrodynamics code
ORBE: Orbital integrator for educational purposes
stream-stream: Stellar and dark-matter streams interactions
streamgap-pepper: Effects of peppering streams with many small impacts
Validation: Codes to compare simulation data to various observations