Twelve codes were added to the ASCL in February, 2019:
dyPolyChord: Super fast dynamic nested sampling with PolyChord
ExPRES: Exoplanetary and Planetary Radio Emissions Simulator
GraviDy: Gravitational Dynamics
LiveData: Data reduction pipeline
LPNN: Limited Post-Newtonian N-body code for collisionless self-gravitating systems
PINT: High-precision pulsar timing analysis package
PyMF: Matched filtering techniques for astronomical images
Radynversion: Solar atmospheric properties during a solar flare
RPFITS: Routines for reading and writing RPFITS files
SNTD: Supernova Time Delays
Specutils: Spectroscopic analysis and reduction
SpecViz: 1D Spectral Visualization Tool
And sixteen codes were added to the ASCL in March, 2019:
allesfitter: Flexible star and exoplanet inference from photometry and radial velocity
AsPy: Aspherical fluctuations on the spherical collapse background
brutifus: A Python module to post-process datacubes from integral field spectrographs
DAVE: Discovery And Vetting of K2 Exoplanets
GalIMF: Galaxy-wide Initial Mass Function
Galmag: Computing realistic galactic magnetic fields
HelioPy: Heliospheric and planetary physics library
ICSF: Intensity Conserving Spectral Fitting
NFWdist: Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the 3D NFW profile
NIFTy5: Numerical Information Field Theory v5
PLATON: PLanetary Atmospheric Transmission for Observer Noobs
PRF: Probabilistic Random Forest
SimSpin: Kinematic analysis of galaxy simulations
SIXTE: Simulation of X-ray Telescopes
SPICE: Observation Geometry System for Space Science Missions
SpiceyPy: Python wrapper for the NAIF C SPICE Toolkit