Twenty-five codes were added to the ASCL in August 2022:
Asymmetric Uncertainty: Handling nonstandard numerical uncertainties
BlaST: Synchrotron peak estimator for blazars
CRPropa3: Simulation framework for propagating extraterrestrial ultra-high energy particles
CubeFit: Regularized 3D fitting for spectro-imaging data
DELIGHT: Identify host galaxies of transient candidates
EstrellaNueva: Expected rates of supernova neutrinos calculator
FFD: Flare Frequency Distribution
GSSP: Grid Search in Stellar Parameters
GStokes: Magnetic field structure and line profiles calculator
HOCHUNK3D: Dust radiative transfer in 3D
J-comb: Combine high-resolution and low-resolution data
LeXInt: Leja Exponential Integrators
POIS: Python Optical Interferometry Simulation
PyNAPLE: Automated pipeline for detecting changes on the lunar surface
qrpca: QR-based Principal Components Analysis
RadioLensfit: Radio weak lensing shear measurement in the visibility domain
RJ-plots: Automated objective classification of 2D structures
Scatfit: Scattering fits of time domain radio signals (Fast Radio Bursts or pulsars)
SPAMMS: Spectroscopic PAtch Model for Massive Stars
ThermoEngine: Thermodynamic properties estimator and phase equilibrium calculator
toise: Performance estimator for high-energy neutrino detectors
TOM Toolkit: Target and Observation Manager Toolkit
uvcombine: Combine images with different resolutions
VapoRock: Modeling magma ocean atmospheres and stellar nebula
Yonder: Data denoising and reconstruction