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Results 3479-6956 of 3509 (3421 ASCL, 88 submitted)

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[ascl:2405.002] nessai: Nested sampling with artificial intelligence

nessai performs nested sampling for Bayesian Inference and incorporates normalizing flows. It is designed for applications where the Bayesian likelihood is computationally expensive. nessai uses PyTorch and also supports the use of bilby (ascl:1901.011).

[ascl:2405.003] raynest: Parallel nested sampling based on ray

raynest, written in Python, computes Bayesian evidences and probability distributions using parallel chains.

[ascl:2405.004] pyADfit: Nested sampling approach to quasi-stellar object (QSO) accretion disc fitting

pyADfit models accretion discs around astrophysical objects. The code provides functions to calculate physical quantities related to accretion disks and perform parameter estimation using observational data. The accretion disc model is the alpha-disc model while the parameter estimation can be performed with Nessai (ascl:2405.002), Raynest (ascl:2405.003), or CPnest (ascl:2205.021).

[ascl:2405.005] pySPEDAS: Python-based Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software

pySPEDAS (Python-based Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software) supports multi-mission, multi-instrument retrieval, analysis, and visualization of heliophysics time series data. A Python implementation of SPEDAS (ascl:2405.001), it supports most of the capabilities of SPEDAS; it can load heliophysics data sets from more than 30 space-based and ground-based missions, coordinate transforms, interpolation routines, and unit conversions, and provide interactive access to numerous data sets. pySPEDAS also creates multi-mission, multi-instrument figures, includes field and wave analysis tools, and performs magnetic field modeling, among other functions.

[ascl:2405.006] ICPertFLRW: Cactus Code thorn for initial conditions

ICPertFLRW, a Cactus code (ascl:1102.013) thorn, provides as initial conditions an FLRW metric perturbed with the comoving curvature perturbation Rc in the synchronous comoving gauge. Rc is defined as a sum of sinusoidals (20 in each x, y, and z direction) whose amplitude, wavelength, and phase shift are all parameters in param.ccl. While the metric and extrinsic curvature only have first order scalar perturbations, the energy density is computed exactly in full from the Hamiltonian constraint, hence vector and tensor perturbations are initially present at higher order. These are then passed to the CT_Dust thorn to be evolved.

[ascl:2405.007] GauPro: R package for Gaussian process modeling

GauPro fits a Gaussian process regression model to a dataset. A Gaussian process (GP) is a commonly used model in computer simulation. It assumes that the distribution of any set of points is multivariate normal. A major benefit of GP models is that they provide uncertainty estimates along with their predictions.

[ascl:2405.008] i-SPin: Multicomponent Schrodinger-Poisson systems with self-interactions

i-SPin simulates 3-component Schrodinger systems with and without gravity and with and without self-interactions while obeying SO(3) symmetry. The code allows the user to input desired parameters, along with initial conditions for the Schrodinger fields. Its three function modules then perform the main (drift-kick-drift) steps of the algorithm, track the fractional changes in total mass and spin in the system, and then plot results. The default plots are mass and spin density projections along with total mass and spin fractional changes.

[ascl:2405.009] morphen: Astronomical image analysis and processing functions

morphen performs image analysis, multi-Sersic image fitting decomposition, and radio interferometric self-calibration, thus measuring basic image morphology and photometry. The code provides a state-of-the-art Python-based image fitting implementation based on the Sersic function. Geared, though not exclusively, toward radio astronomy, morphen's tools involve pure python, but also are integrated with CASA (ascl:1107.013) in order to work with common casatasks as well as WSClean (ascl:1408.023).

[ascl:2405.010] riddler: Type Ia supernovae spectral time series fitter

riddler automates fitting of type Ia supernovae spectral time series. The code is comprised of a series of neural networks trained to emulate radiative transfer simulations from TARDIS (ascl:1402.018). Emulated spectra are then fit to observations using nested sampling implemented in UltraNest (ascl:1611.001) to estimate the posterior distributions of model parameters and evidences.

[submitted] Estimating photo-z of quasars based on a cross-modal contrastive learning method

MMLPhoto-z is a cross-modal contrastive learning approach for estimating photo-z of quasars. This method employs adversarial training and contrastive loss functions to promote the mutual conversion between multi-band photometric data features (magnitude, color) and photometric image features, while extracting modality-invariant features.

[ascl:2405.011] DirectSHT: Direct spherical harmonic transform

DirectSHT performs direct spherical harmonic transforms for point sets on the sphere. Given a set of points, defined by arrays of theta and phi (in radians) and weights, it provides the spherical harmonic transform coefficients alm. JAX (ascl:2111.002) can be used to speed up the computation; the code will automatically fall back to numpy if JAX is not present. The code is much faster when run on GPUs. When they are available and JAX is installed, the code automatically distributes computation and memory across them.

[ascl:2405.012] fitramp: Likelihood-based jump detection

fitramp fits a ramp to a series of nondestructive reads and detects and rejects jumps. The software performs likelihood-based jump detection for detectors read out up-the-ramp; it uses the entire set of reads to compute likelihoods. The code compares the χ2 value of a fit with and without a jump for every possible jump location. fitramp can fit ramps with and without fitting the reset value (the pedestal), and fit and mask jumps within or between groups of reads. It can also compute the bias of ramp fitting.

[ascl:2405.013] LTdwarfIndices: Variable brown dwarf identifier

LTdwarfIndices studies spectral indices to determine whether one or more brown dwarfs are photometric variable candidates. For a single brown dwarf, it analyzes a given set of indices and outputs the number of graphs the object appears in in the variable area, whether it is a variable or non-variable candidate, and, optionally, an index-index or histogram plot. Using another code module, LTdwarftIndices can also analyze a set of sample indices for many brown dwarfs.

[ascl:2405.014] EF-TIGRE: Effective Field Theory of Interacting dark energy with Gravitational REdshift

EF-TIGRE (Effective Field Theory of Interacting dark energy with Gravitational REdshift) constrains interacting Dark Energy/Dark Matter models in the Effective Field Theory framework through Large Scale Structures observables. In particular, the observables include the effect of gravitational redshift, a distortion of time from galaxy clustering. This generates a dipole in the correlation function which is detectable with two distinct populations of galaxies, thus making it possible to break degeneracies among parameters of the EFT description.

[ascl:2405.015] sunbather: Escaping exoplanet atmospheres and transit spectra simulator

sunbather simulates the upper atmospheres of exoplanets and their observational signatures. The code constructs 1D Parker wind profiles using p-winds (ascl:2111.011) to simulate these with Cloudy (ascl:9910.001), and postprocesses the output with a custom radiative transfer module to predict the transmission spectra of exoplanets.

[ascl:2405.016] ABBHI: Autoregressive binary black hole inference

autoregressive-bbh-inference, written in Python, models the distributions of binary black hole masses, spins, and redshifts to identify physical features appearing in these distributions without the need for strongly-parametrized population models. This allows not only agnostic study of the “known unknowns” of the black hole population but also reveals the “unknown unknowns," the unexpected and impactful features that may otherwise be missed by the standard building-block method.

[ascl:2405.017] AFINO: Automated Flare Inference of Oscillations

AFINO (Automated Flare Inference of Oscillations) finds oscillations in time series data using a Fourier-based model comparison approach. The code analyzes the date and generates a results file in either JSON or Pickle format, which contains numerous properties of the data and analysis, and a summary plot.

[ascl:2405.018] coronagraph_noise: Coronagraph noise modeling routines

coronagraph_noise simulates coronagraph noise. Written in IDL, the code includes a generalized coronagraph routine and simulators for the WFIRST Shaped Pupil Coronagraph in both spectroscopy and imaging modes. Functions available include stellar and planetary flux functions, planet photon and zodiacal light count rates, planet-star flux ratio, and clock induced charge count rate, among others. coronagraph_noise also includes routines to smooth a plot by convolving with a Gaussian profile to convolve a spectrum with a given instrument resolution and to take a spectrum that is specified at high spectral resolution and degrade it to a lower resolution. A Python implementation of coronagraph_noise, coronagraph (ascl:2405.019), is also available.

[ascl:2405.019] coronagraph: Python noise model for directly imaging exoplanets

coronagraph provides a Python noise model for directly imaging exoplanets with a coronagraph-equipped telescope. Based on the original IDL code for this coronagraph model, coronograph_noise (ascl:2405.018), the Python version has been expanded in a few key ways. Most notably, the Telescope, Planet, and Star objects used for reflected light coronagraph noise modeling can now be used for transmission and emission spectroscopy noise modeling, making this model a general purpose exoplanet noise model for many different types of observations.

[ascl:2405.020] tapify: Multitaper spectrum for time-series analysis

tapify implements a suite of multitaper spectral estimation techniques for analyzing time series data. It supports analysis of both evenly and unevenly sampled time series data. The multitaper statistic tackles the problems of bias and consistency, which makes it an improvement over the classical periodogram for evenly sampled data and the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for uneven sampling. In basic statistical terms, this estimator provides a confident look at the properties of a time series in the frequency or Fourier domain.

[ascl:2405.021] PALpy: Python positional astronomy library interface

PALpy provides a Python interface to PAL, the positional Astronomy Library (ascl:1606.002), which is written in C. All arguments modified by the C API are returned and none are modified. The one routine that is different is palObs, which returns a simple dict that can be searched using standard Python. The keys to the dict are the short names and the values are another dict with keys name, long, lat and height.

[ascl:2405.022] blackthorn: Spectra from right-handed neutrino decays

blackthorn generates spectra of dark matter annihilations into right-handed (RH) neutrinos or into particles that result from their decay. These spectra include photons, positrons, and neutrinos. The code provides support for varied RH-neutrino masses ranging from MeV to TeV by incorporating hazma, PPPC4DMID, and HDMSpectra models to compute dark matter annihilation cross sections and mediator decay widths. blackthorn also computes decay branching fractions and partial decay widths.

[ascl:2405.023] raccoon: Radial velocities and Activity indicators from Cross-COrrelatiON with masks

raccoon implements the cross-correlation function (CCF) method. It builds weighted binary masks from a stellar spectrum template, computes the CCF of stellar spectra with a mask, and derives radial velocities (RVs) and activity indicators from the CCF. raccoon is mainly implemented in Python 3; it also uses some Fortran subroutines that are called from Python.

[ascl:2405.024] ndcube: Multi-dimensional contiguous and non-contiguous coordinate-aware arrays

ndcube manipulates, inspects, and visualizes multi-dimensional contiguous and non-contiguous coordinate-aware data arrays. A sunpy (ascl:1401.010) affiliated package, it combines data, uncertainties, units, metadata, masking, and coordinate transformations into classes with unified slicing and generic coordinate transformations and plotting and animation capabilities. ndcube handles data of any number of dimensions and axis types (e.g., spatial, temporal, and spectral) whose relationship between the array elements and the real world can be described by World Coordinate System (WCS) translations.

[ascl:2405.025] CosmoPower: Machine learning-accelerated Bayesian inference

CosmoPower develops Bayesian inference pipelines that leverage machine learning to solve inverse problems in science. While the emphasis is on building algorithms to accelerate Bayesian inference in cosmology, the implemented methods allow for their application across a wide range of scientific fields. CosmoPower provides neural network emulators of matter and Cosmic Microwave Background power spectra, which can replace Boltzmann codes such as CAMB (ascl:1102.026) or CLASS (ascl:1106.020) in cosmological inference pipelines, to source the power spectra needed for two-point statistics analyses. This provides orders-of-magnitude acceleration to the inference pipeline and integrates naturally with efficient techniques for sampling very high-dimensional parameter spaces.

[submitted] pycosie - Python analysis code used on Technicolor Dawn

pycosie is analysis code used for Technicolor Dawn (TD), a Gadget-3 derived cosmological radiative SPH simulation suite. The target analyses are to complement what is done with TD and other analysis software on its suite. pycosie includes creating power spectrum from generated Lyman-alpha forests spectra, linking absorbers to potential host galaxies, gridding gas information for each galaxy, and read specific output files from software such as Rockstar and SKID.

[ascl:2406.001] GAStimator: Python MCMC gibbs-sampler with adaptive stepping

GAStimator implements a Python MCMC Gibbs-sampler with adaptive stepping. The code is simple, robust, and stable and well suited to high dimensional problems with many degrees of freedom and very sharp likelihood features. It has been used extensively for kinematic modeling of molecular gas in galaxies, but is fully general and may be used for any problem MCMC methods can tackle.

[ascl:2406.002] SRF: Scaling Relations Finder

Scaling Relations Finder finds the scaling relations between magnetic field properties and observables for a model of galactic magnetic fields. It uses observable quantities as input: the galaxy rotation curve, the surface densities of the gas, stars and star formation rate, and the gas temperature to create galactic dynamo models. These models can be used to estimate parameters of the random and mean components of the magnetic field, as well as the gas scale height, root-mean-square velocity and the correlation length and time of the interstellar turbulence, in terms of the observables.

[ascl:2406.003] SMART: Spectral energy distribution (SED) fitter

SMART (Spectral energy distributions Markov chain Analysis with Radiative Transfer models) implements a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to fit the ultraviolet to millimeter spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies exclusively with radiative transfer models. The models constitute four types of pre-computed libraries, which describe the starburst, active galactic nucleus (AGN) torus, host galaxy and polar dust components.

[ascl:2406.004] candl: Differentiable likelihood framework for analyzing CMB power spectrum measurements

candl (CMB Analysis With A Differentiable Likelihood) analyzes CMB power spectrum measurements using a differentiable likelihood framework. It is compatible with JAX (ascl:2111.002), though JAX is optional, allowing for fast and easy computation of gradients and Hessians of the likelihoods, and candl provides interface tools for working with other cosmology software packages, including Cobaya (ascl:1910.019) and MontePython (ascl:1805.027). The package also provides auxiliary tools for common analysis tasks, such as generating mock data, and supports the analysis of primary CMB and lensing power spectrum data.

[ascl:2406.005] Lenser: Measure weak gravitational flexion

Lenser estimates weak gravitational lensing signals, particularly flexion, from real survey data or realistically simulated images. Lenser employs a hybrid of image moment analysis and an Analytic Image Modeling (AIM) analysis. In addition to extracting flexion measurements by fitting a (modified Sérsic) model to a single image of a galaxy, Lenser can do multi-band, multi-epoch fitting. In multi-band mode, Lenser fits a single model to multiple postage stamps, each representing an exposure of a single galaxy in a particular band.


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