Astrophysics Source Code Library

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[ascl:1810.005] STARRY: Analytic computation of occultation light curves

STARRY computes light curves for various applications in astronomy: transits and secondary eclipses of exoplanets, light curves of eclipsing binaries, rotational phase curves of exoplanets, light curves of planet-planet and planet-moon occultations, and more. By modeling celestial body surface maps as sums of spherical harmonics, STARRY does all this analytically and is therefore fast, stable, and differentiable. Coded in C++ but wrapped in Python, STARRY is easy to install and use.

[ascl:1911.007] planetplanet: General photodynamical code for exoplanet light curves

planetplanet models exoplanet transits, secondary eclipses, phase curves, and exomoons, as well as eclipsing binaries, circumbinary planets, and more. The code was originally developed to model planet-planet occultation (PPO) light curves for the TRAPPIST-1 system, but it is generally applicable to any exoplanet system. During a PPO, a planet occults (transits) the disk of another planet in the same planetary system, blocking its thermal (and reflected) light, which can be measured photometrically by a distant observer. planetplanet is coded in C and wrapped in a user-friendly Python interface.

[ascl:2405.019] coronagraph: Python noise model for directly imaging exoplanets

coronagraph provides a Python noise model for directly imaging exoplanets with a coronagraph-equipped telescope. Based on the original IDL code for this coronagraph model, coronograph_noise (ascl:2405.018), the Python version has been expanded in a few key ways. Most notably, the Telescope, Planet, and Star objects used for reflected light coronagraph noise modeling can now be used for transmission and emission spectroscopy noise modeling, making this model a general purpose exoplanet noise model for many different types of observations.