Astrophysics Source Code Library

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[ascl:2009.003] oxkat: Semi-automated imaging of MeerKAT observations

oxkat semi-automatically performs calibration and imaging of data from the MeerKAT radio telescope. Taking as input raw visibilities in Measurement Set format, the entire processing workflow is covered, from flagging and reference calibration, to imaging and self-calibration, and (optionally) direction-dependent calibration. The oxkat scripts use Python, and draw on numerous existing radio astronomy packages, including CASA (ascl:1107.013), WSClean (ascl:1408.023), and CubiCal (ascl:1805.031), among others, that are containerized using Singularity. Submission scripts for slurm and PBS job schedulers are automatically generated where necessary, catering for HPC facilities that are commonly used for processing MeerKAT data.

[ascl:2305.009] breizorro: Image masking tool

Given a FITS image, breizorro creates a binary mask. The software allows the user control various parameters and functions, such as setting a sigma threshold for masking, merging in or subtracting one or more masks or region files, filling holes, applying dilation within a defined radius of pixels, and inverting the mask.

[ascl:2401.013] SolarKAT: Solar imaging pipeline for MeerKAT

SolarKAT mitigates solar interference in MeerKAT data and recovers the visibilities rather than discarding them; this solar imaging pipeline takes 1GC calibrated data in Measurement Set format as input. Written in Python, the pipeline employs solar tracking, subtraction, and peeling techniques to enhance data quality by significantly reducing solar radio interference. This is achieved while preserving the flux measurements in the main field. SolarKAT is versatile and can be applied to general radio astronomy observations and solar radio astronomy; additionally, generated solar images can be used for weather forecasting. SolarKAT is deployed in Stimela (ascl:2305.007). It is based on existing radio astronomy software, including CASA (ascl:1107.013), breizorro (ascl:2305.009), WSclean (ascl:1408.023), Quartical (ascl:2305.006), and Astropy (ascl:1304.002).

[ascl:2407.018] pony3d: Efficient island-finding tool for radio spectral line imaging

pony3d statistically identifies islands of contiguous emission inside a three-dimensional volume. The primary functionality is the rapid and reliable creation of masks for the deconvolution of radio interferometric radio spectral line emission. It has been designed to run on the output of the wsclean imager (ascl:1408.023) whereby the individual FITS image per frequency plane enables a high degree of parallelism, but can work on any image set providing this criterion is met. Single channel island rejection is offered, along with 3D mask dilation and boxcar averaging. pony3d is also a prototype source-finding and extraction tool.

[ascl:2502.026] polkat: Semi-automate full polarization of MeerKAT observations

Based on oxkat (ascl:2009.003), polkat focuses on automating full polarization calibration and snapshot (i.e., second-scale) imaging of polarimetric radio data taken with the MeerKAT telescope. Accepting raw visibilities in Measurement Set format, polkat performs the necessary data editing, calibration (reference and self-calibration), and imaging to extract the complete polarization properties for user-defined target sources. Required software packages, including, but not limited to, CASA (ascl:1107.013), WSClean (ascl:1408.023), and QuartiCal (ascl:2305.006) are containerized with Apptainer/Singularity. polkat can be run locally or on high-performance computing that uses a slurm job scheduler; for the latter option, polkat will generate the necessary job submission files.