Astrophysics Source Code Library

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[ascl:1209.010] MeqTrees: Software package for implementing Measurement Equations

MeqTrees is a software package for implementing Measurement Equations. This makes it uniquely suited for simulation and calibration of radioastronomical data, especially that involving new radiotelescopes and observational regimes. MeqTrees is implemented as a Python-based front-end called the meqbrowser, and an efficient (C++-based) computational back-end called the meqserver. Numerical models are defined on the front-end via a Python-based Tree Definition Language (TDL), then rapidly executed on the back-end. The use of TDL facilitates an extremely short turn-around time for experimentation with new ideas. This is also helped by unprecedented visualization capabilities for all final and intermediate results. A flexible data model and a number of important optimizations in the back-end ensures that the numerical performance is comparable to that of hand-written code.

MeqTrees includes a highly capable FITS viewer and sky model manager called Tigger, which can also work as a standalone tool.

[ascl:2006.014] CARACal: Containerized Automated Radio Astronomy Calibration pipeline

CARACal (Containerized Automated Radio Astronomy Calibration, formerly MeerKATHI) reduces radio-interferometric data. Developed originally as an end-to-end continuum- and line imaging pipeline for MeerKAT, it can also be used with other radio telescopes. CARACal reduces large data sets and produces high-dynamic-range continuum images and spectroscopic data cubes. The pipeline is platform-independent and delivers imaging quality metrics to efficiently assess the data quality.

[ascl:2312.001] smops: A sub-band model FITS image interpolator

smops interpolates input sub-band model FITS images, such as those produced by WSClean (ascl:1408.023), into more finely channelized sub-band model FITS images, thus generating model images at a higher frequency resolution. It is a Python-based command line tool. For example, given input model FITS images initially created from sub-dividing a given bandwidth into four, smops can subdivide that bandwidth further, resulting in more finely channelized model images, to a specified frequency resolution. This smooths out the stepwise behavior of models across frequency, which can improve the results of self-calibration with such models.

[ascl:2412.002] Stimela2: Workflow management framework for data reduction workflows

Stimela2 develops data reduction workflows and is a significant update of Stimela (ascl:2305.007). Though designed for radio astronomy data, it can be adapted for other data processing applications. Stimela2 represents workflows by linear, concise and intuitive YAML-format "recipes". Atomic data reduction tasks (binary executables, Python functions and code, and CASA tasks) are described by YAML-format "cab definitions" detailing each task's "schema" (inputs and outputs). Stimela2 provides a rich syntax for chaining tasks together, and encourages a high degree of modularity: recipes may be nested into other recipes, and configuration is cleanly separated from recipe logic. Tasks can be executed natively or in isolated environments using containerization technologies such as Apptainer. Stimela2 facilitates the deployment of scalable, distributed workflows by interfacing with the Slurm scheduler and the Kubernetes API, the latter allowing workflows to be readily deployed in the cloud.