Results 2651-2700 of 3710 (3611 ASCL, 99 submitted)
unpopular is an implementation of the Causal Pixel Model (CPM) de-trending method to obtain TESS Full-Frame Image (FFI) light curves. The code, written in Python, models the systematics in the light curves of individual pixels as a linear combination of light curves from many other distant pixels and removes shared flux variations. unpopular is able to preserve sector-length astrophysical signals, allowing for the extraction of multi-sector light curves from the FFI data.
SkyPy simulates the astrophysical sky. It provides functions that sample realizations of sources and their associated properties from probability distributions. Simulation pipelines are constructed from these models, while task scheduling and data dependencies are handled internally. The package's modular design, containing a library of physical and empirical models across a range of observables and a command line script to run end-to-end simulations, allows users to interface with external software.
HTOF parses the intermediate data from Hipparcos and Gaia and fits astrometric solutions to those data. It computes likelihoods and parameter errors in line with the catalog and can reproduce five, seven, and nine (or higher) parameter fits to their astrometry.
GLoBES simulates long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. The package features full incorporation of correlations and degeneracies in the oscillation parameter space, advanced routines for the treatment of arbitrary systematical errors, and user-defined priors, which allowsn for the inclusion of arbitrary external physical information. Its use of AEDL, the Abstract Experiment Definition Language, provides an easy way to define experimental setups. GLoBES also provides an interface for the simulation of non-standard physics, and offers predefined setups for many experiments, including Superbeams, Beta Beams, Neutrino factories, Reactors, and various detector technologies.
SNOwGLoBES (SuperNova Observatories with GLoBES) computes interaction rates and distributions of observed quantities for supernova burst neutrinos in common detector materials. The code provides a very simple and fast code and data package for tests of observability of physics signatures in current and future detectors, and for evaluation of relative sensitivities of different detector configurations. The event estimates are made using available cross-sections and parameterized detector responses. Water, argon, scintillator and lead-based configurations are included. The package makes use of GLoBES (ascl:2109.018). SNOwGLoBES is not intended to replace full detector simulations; however output should be useful for many types of studies, and simulation results can be incorporated.
SNEWPY uses simulated supernovae data to generate a time series of neutrino spectral fluences at Earth or the total time-integrated spectral fluence. The code can also process generated data through SNOwGLoBES (ascl:2109.019) and collate its output into the observable channels of each detector. Data from core-collapse, thermonuclear, and pair-instability supernovae simulations are included in the package.
WeakLensingDeblending provides weak lensing fast simulations and analysis for the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration. It is used to study the effects of overlapping sources on shear estimation, photometric redshift algorithms, and deblending algorithms. Users can run their own simulations (of LSST and other surveys) or download the galaxy catalog and simulation outputs to use with their own code.
ShapeMeasurementFisherFormalism is used to study Fisher Formalism predictions on galaxy weak lensing for LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration. It can create predictions with user-defined parameters for one or two galaxies simulated from GalSim (ascl:1402.009).
gphist performs Bayesian inference on the cosmological expansion history using Gaussian process priors. It is written in Python and includes driver programs to run inference calculations and plot the results. The code infers the cosmological expansion history using a Gaussian process prior, reads these ouputs, and performs checks to ensure they are indeed compatible. gphist then generates a single combined output file to plot expansion history inferences.
BHJet models steady-state SEDs of jets launched from accreting black holes. This semi-analytical, multi-zone jet model is applicable across the entire black hole mass scale, from black hole X-ray binaries (both low and high mass) to active galactic nuclei of any class (from low-luminosity AGN to flat spectrum radio quasars). It is designed to be more comparable than other codes to GRMHD simulations and/or RMHD semi-analytical solutions.
Menura simulates the interaction between a fully turbulent solar wind and various bodies of the solar system using a novel two-step approach. It is an advanced numerical tool for self-consistent modeling that bridges planetary science and plasma physics. Menura is built around a hybrid Particle-In-Cell solver, treating electrons as a charge-neutralising fluid, and ions as massive particles. It solves iteratively the particles’ dynamics, gathers particle moments at the nodes of a grid, at which the magnetic field is also computed, and then solves the Maxwell equations. This solver uses the popular Current Advance Method (CAM).
Varstar Detect uses several numerical and statistical methods to filter and interpret the data obtained from TESS. It performs an amplitude test to determine whether a star is variable and if so, provides the characteristics of each star through phenomenological analysis of the lightcurve.
OSPREI simulates the Sun-to-Earth (or satellite) behavior of CMEs. It is comprised of three separate models: ForeCAT, ANTEATR, and FIDO. ForeCAT uses the PFSS background to determine the external magnetic forces on a CME; ANTEATR takes the ForeCAT CME and propagates it to the final satellite distance, and outputs the final CME speed (both propagation and expansion), size, and shape (and their profiles with distance) as well as the arrival time and internal thermal and magnetic properties of the CME. FIDO takes the evolved CME from ANTEATR with the position and orientation from ForeCAT and passes the CME over a synthetic spacecraft. The relative location of the spacecraft within the CME determines the in situ magnetic field vector and velocity. It also calculates the Kp index from these values. OSPREI includes tools for creating figures from the results, including histograms, contour plots, and ensemble correlation plots, and new figures can be created using the results object that contains all the simulation data in an easily accessible format.
Healpix.jl is a Julia-only port of the C/C++/Fortran/Python HEALPix library (ascl:1107.018), which implements a hierarchical pixelization of the sphere in equal-area pixels. Much like the original library, Healpix.jl supports two enumeration schemes for the pixels (RING and NESTED) and implements an optimized computation of the generalized Fourier transform using spherical harmonics, binding libsharp2 (ascl:1402.033). In addition, Healpix.jl provides four additional features: 1.) it fully supports Windows systems, alongside the usual Linux and MAC OS X machines; 2.) it uses Julia's strong typesystem to prevent several bugs related to mismatches in map ordering (e.g., combining a RING map with a NESTED map); 3.) it uses a versatile memory layout so that map bytes can be stored in shared memory objects or on GPUs; and 4.) it implements an elegant and general way to signal missing values in maps.
BiPoS1 (Binary Population Synthesizer) efficiently calculates binary distribution functions after the dynamical processing of a realistic population of binary stars during the first few Myr in the hosting embedded star cluster. It is particularly useful for generating a realistic birth binary population as an input for N-body simulations of globular clusters. Instead of time-consuming N-body simulations, BiPoS1 uses the stellar dynamical operator, which determines the fraction of surviving binaries depending on the binding energy of the binaries. The stellar dynamical operator depends on the initial star cluster density, as well as the time until the residual gas of the star cluster is expelled. At the time of gas expulsion, the dynamical processing of the binary population is assumed to effectively end due to the expansion of the star cluster related to that event. BiPoS1 has also a galactic-field mode, in order to synthesize the stellar population of a whole galaxy.
Snowball models atmospheric loss in order to constrain an atmosphere's cumulative impact of historic X-ray and extreme ultraviolet radiation-driven mass loss. The escape model interpolates the BaSTI luminosity evolution grid to the observed mass and luminosity of the host star.
JWST_Simulation generates a novel geometric-focused deep field simulation of the expected JWST future deep field image. Galaxies are represented by ellipses with randomly-generated positions and orientations. Three scripts are included: a deterministic simulation, an ensemble simulation, and a more-realistic monochrome image simulation. The following initial conditions can be perturbed in these codes: H0, Ωm, ΩΛ, the dark energy equation of state parameter, the number of unseen galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field Image (HUDF), the increase in effective radius due to the JWST’s higher sensitivity, the anisotropy of dark energy, and the maximum redshift reached by the JWST. Galaxy number densities are estimated using integration over comoving volume with an integration constant calibrated with the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. A galaxy coverage percentage is calculated for each image to determine the percentage of the background occupied by galaxies.
Exodetbox provides mathematical methods for calculating the planet-star separation and difference in magnitude extrema as well as when planets have particular planet-star separations or differences in magnitude. The code also projects the 3D Keplerian Orbit into a reparameterized 2D ellipse in the plane of the sky. Exodetbox is implemented in the EXOSIMS modeling software (ascl:1706.010).
PSRDADA supports the development of distributed data acquisition and analysis systems; it provides a flexible and well-managed ring buffer in shared memory with a variety of applications for piping data from device to ring buffer and from ring buffer to device. PSRDADA allows more than one data set to be queued in the ring buffer at one time, and data may be recorded in selected bursts using data validity flags. A variety of clients have been implemented that can write data to the ring buffer and read data from it. The primary write clients can be controlled via a simple, text-based socket interface, and read client software exists for writing data to an array of disks, sending data to an array of nodes, or processing the data directly from RAM. At the highest level of control and configuration, scripts launch the PSRDADA configuration across all nodes in the cluster, monitor all relevant processes, configure and control through a web-based interface, interface with observatory scheduling tools, and manage the ownership and archival of project data. It has been used in the implementation of baseband recording and processing instrumentation for radio pulsar astronomy.
TULIPS (Tool for Understanding the Lives, Interiors, and Physics of Stars) creates diagrams of the structure and evolution of stars. It creates plots and movies based on output from the MESA stellar evolution code (ascl:1010.083). TULIPS represents stars as circles of varying size and color. The code can also visualize the size and perceived color of stars, their interior mixing and nuclear burning processes, their chemical composition, and can compare different MESA models.
TauRunner propagates ultra-high-energy neutrinos, with a focus on tau neutrinos. Although it was developed for extremely high energy (EeV+) applications, it is able to propagate neutrinos from 1 to 10^16 GeV. Oscillations are not taken into account at the lowest energies, but they become negligible above 1 TeV.
ArtPop (Artificial Stellar Populations) synthesizes stellar populations and simulates realistic images of stellar systems. The code is modular, making it possible to use each of its functionalities independently or together. ArtPop can build stellar populations independently from generating mock images, as one might want to do when interested only in calculating integrated photometric properties of the population. The code can also generate stellar magnitudes and artificial galaxies, which can be inject into real imaging data.
PISCOLA (Python for Intelligent Supernova-COsmology Light-curve Analysis) fits supernova light curves and corrects them in a few lines of code. It uses Gaussian Processes to estimate rest-frame light curves of transients without needing an underlying light-curve template. The user can add filters, calculates the light-curves parameters, and obtain transmission functions for the observed filters and the Bessell filters. The correction process can be applied with default settings to obtain restframe light curves and light-curve parameters. PISCOLA can plot the SN light curves, filter transmission functions, light-curves fits results, the mangling function for a given phase, and includes several utilities that can, for example, convert fluxes to magnitudes and magnitudes to fluxes, and trim leading and trailing zeros from a 1-D array or sequence.
ParSNIP learns generative models of transient light curves from a large dataset of transient light curves. It is designed to work with light curves in sncosmo format using the lcdata package to handle large datasets. This code can be used for classification of transients, cosmological distance estimation, and identifying novel transients.
Quokka is a two-moment radiation hydrodynamics code that uses the piecewise-parabolic method, with AMR and subcycling in time. It runs on CPUs (MPI+vectorized) or NVIDIA GPUs (MPI+CUDA) with a single-source codebase. The hydrodynamics solver is an unsplit method, using the piecewise parabolic method for reconstruction in the primitive variables, the HLLC Riemann solver for flux computations, and a method-of-lines formulation for the time integration. The order of reconstruction is reduced in zones where shocks are detected in order to suppress spurious oscillations in strong shocks. Quokka's radiation hydrodynamics formulation is based on the mixed-frame moment equations. The radiation subsystem is coupled to the hydrodynamic subsystem via operator splitting, with the hydrodynamic update computed first, followed by the radiation update, with the latter update including the source terms corresponding to the radiation four-force applied to both the radiation and hydrodynamic variables. A method-of-lines formulation is also used for the time integration, with the time integration done by the same integrator chosen for the hydrodynamic subsystem.
BASTA determines properties of stars using a pre-computed grid of stellar models. It calculates the probability density function of a given stellar property based on a set of observational constraints defined by the user. BASTA is very versatile and has been used in a large variety of studies requiring robust determination of fundamental stellar properties.
The Julia library GRASS produces realistic stellar spectra with time-variable granulation signatures. It is based on real observations of the Sun, and does not rely on magnetohydrodynamic simulations to produce its spectra. GRASS can also compute bisectors for absorption lines or CCF profiles, and provides two methods for calculating bisectors.
GGCHEMPY is efficient for building 1-D, 2-D and 3-D simulations of physical parameters of Planck galactic cold clumps; it provides a graphical user interface and can also be invoked by a Python script. The code initializes the reaction network using input parameters, and then computes the reaction rate coefficients for all reactions. It uses the backward-differentiation formulas method to solve the ordinary differential equations for the integration. The modeled results are saved and can be directly passed to a Python dictionary for analysis and plotting.
Nauyaca infers planetary masses and orbits from mid-transit times fitting. The code requires transit ephemeris per planet and stellar mass and radius, and uses minimization routines and a Markov chain Monte Carlo method to find planet parameters that best reproduce the transit times based on numerical simulations. The code package provides customized plotting tools for analyzing the results.
Swordfish studies the information yield of counting experiments. It implements at its core a rather general version of a Poisson point process with background uncertainties described by a Gaussian random field, and provides easy access to its information geometrical properties. Based on this information, a number of common and less common tasks can be performed. Swordfish allows quick and accurate forecasts of experimental sensitivities without time-intensive Monte Carlos, mock data generation and likelihood maximization. It can:
- calculate the expected upper limit or discovery reach of an instrument;
- derive expected confidence contours for parameter reconstruction;
- visualize confidence contours as well as the underlying information metric field;
- calculate the information flux, an effective signal-to-noise ratio that accounts for background systematics and component degeneracies; and
- calculate the Euclideanized signal which approximately maps the signal to a new vector which can be used to calculate the Euclidean distance between points.
Flux provides an elegant approach to machine learning. Written in Julia, it provides lightweight abstractions on top of Julia's native GPU and AD support. It has many useful tools built in, but also lets you use the full power of the Julia language where you need it. Flux has relatively few explicit APIs for features like regularization or embeddings; instead, writing down the mathematical form works and is fast. The package works well with Julia libraries from data frames and images to differential equation solvers, so building complex data processing pipelines that integrate Flux models is straightforward.
Pyro is a flexible, scalable deep probabilistic programming library built on PyTorch. It can represent any computable probability distribution and scales to large data sets with little overhead compared to hand-written code. The library is implemented with a small core of powerful, composable abstractions. Its high-level abstractions express generative and inference models, but also allows experts to customize inference.
ThERESA retrieves three-dimensional maps of exoplanets. The code constructs 2-dimensional maps for each light given light curve, places those maps vertically in an atmosphere, and runs radiative transfer to calculate emission from the planet over a latitude/longitude grid. ThERESA then integrates over the grid (combined with the visibility function) to generate light curves. These light curves are compared against the input light curves behind MCMC to explore parameter space.
FEniCS solves partial differential equations (PDEs) and enables users to quickly translate scientific models into efficient finite element code. With the high-level Python and C++ interfaces to FEniCS, it is easy to get started, but FEniCS offers also powerful capabilities for more experienced programmers. FEniCS runs on a multitude of platforms ranging from laptops to high-performance clusters, and each component of the FEniCS platform has been fundamentally designed for parallel processing. This framework allows for rapid prototyping of finite element formulations and solvers on laptops and workstations, and the same code may then be deployed on large high-performance computers.
SELCIE (Screening Equations Linearly Constructed and Iteratively Evaluated) investigates the chameleon model that arises from screening a scalar field introduced in some modified gravity models that is coupled to matter. The code provides tools to construct user defined meshes by utilizing the GMSH mesh generation software. These tools include constructing shapes whose boundaries are defined by some function or by constructing it out of basis shapes such as circles, cones and cylinders. The mesh can also be separated into subdomains, each of which having its own refinement parameters. These meshes can then be converted into a format that is compatible with the finite element software FEniCS. SELCIE uses FEniCS (ascl:2110.018) with a nonlinear solving method (Picard or Newton method) to solve the chameleon equation of motion for some parameters and density distribution. These density distributions are constructed by having the density profile of each subdomain being set by a user defined function, allowing for extremely customizable setups that are easy to implement.
BCES performs robust linear regression on (X,Y) data points where both X and Y have measurement errors. The fitting method is the bivariate correlated errors and intrinsic scatter (BCES). Some of the advantages of BCES regression compared to ordinary least squares fitting are that it allows for measurement errors on both variables and permits the measurement errors for the two variables to be dependent. Further it permits the magnitudes of the measurement errors to depend on the measurements and other lines such as the bisector and the orthogonal regression can be constructed.
PT-REX (Point-to-point TRend EXtractor) performs ptp analysis on every kind of extended radio source. The code exploits a set of different fitting methods to allow study of the spatial correlation, and is structured in a series of tasks to handle the individual steps of a ptp analysis independently, from defining a grid to sample the radio emission to accurately analyzing the data using several statistical methods. A major feature of PT-REX is the use of an automatic, randomly-generated sampling routine to combine several SMptp analysis into a Monte Carlo ptp (MCptp) analysis. By repeating several cycles of SMptp analysis with randomly-generated grids, PT-REX produces a distribution of values of k that describe its parameter space, thus allowing a reliably estimate of the trend (and its uncertainties).
XookSuut models circular and noncircular flows on resolved velocity maps. The code performs nonparametric fits to derive kinematic models without assuming analytical functions on the different velocity components of the models. It recovers the circular and radial motions in galaxies in dynamical equilibrium and can derive the noncircular motions induced by oval distortions, such as that produced by stellar bars. XookSuut explores the full space of parameters on a N-dimensional space to derive their mean values; this combined method efficiently recovers the constant parameters and the different kinematic components.
As a new generation of large-scale telescopes are expected to produce single data products in the range of hundreds of GBs to multiple TBs, different approaches to I/O efficient data interaction and extraction need to be investigated and made available to researchers. This will become increasingly important as the downloading and distribution of TB scale data products will become unsustainable, and researchers will have to take their processing analysis to the data. We present a methodology to extract 3 dimensional spatial-spectral data from dimensionally modelled tables in Parquet format on a Hadoop system. The data is loaded into the Parquet tables from FITS cube files using a dedicated process. We compare the performance of extracting data using the Apache Spark parallel compute framework on top of the Parquet-Hadoop ecosystem with data extraction from the original source files on a shared file system. We have found that the Spark-Parquet-Hadoop solution provides significant performance benefits, particularly in a multi user environment. We present a detailed analysis of the single and multi-user experiments conducted and also discuss the benefits and limitations of the platform used for this study.
astroDDPM uses a denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) to synthesize galaxies that are qualitatively and physically indistinguishable from the real thing. The similarity of the synthesized images to real galaxies from the Photometry and Rotation curve OBservations from Extragalactic Surveys (PROBES) sample and from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey is quantified using the Fréchet Inception Distance to test for subjective and morphological similarity. The emergent physical properties (such as total magnitude, color, and half light radius) of a ground truth parent and synthesized child dataset are also compared to generate a Synthetic Galaxy Distance metric. The DDPM approach produces sharper and more realistic images than other generative methods such as Adversarial Networks (with the downside of more costly inference), and could be used to produce large samples of synthetic observations tailored to a specific imaging survey. Potential uses of the DDPM include accurate in-painting of occluded data, such as satellite trails, and domain transfer, where new input images can be processed to mimic the properties of the DDPM training set.
JAX brings Autograd and XLA together for high-performance machine learning research. It can automatically differentiate native Python and NumPy functions. The code can differentiate through loops, branches, recursion, and closures, and it can take derivatives of derivatives of derivatives. JAX supports reverse-mode differentiation (a.k.a. backpropagation) via grad as well as forward-mode differentiation, and the two can be composed arbitrarily to any order.
PSwarm is a global optimization solver for bound and linear constrained problems (for which the derivatives of the objective function are unavailable, inaccurate or expensive). The algorithm combines pattern search and particle swarm. Basically, it applies a directional direct search in the poll step (coordinate search in the pure simple bounds case) and particle swarm in the search step. PSwarm makes no use of derivative information of the objective function. It has been shown to be efficient and robust for smooth and nonsmooth problems, both in serial and in parallel.
The library NLopt performs nonlinear local and global optimization for functions with and without gradient information. It provides a simple, unified interface and wraps many algorithms for global and local, constrained or unconstrained, optimization, and provides interfaces for many other languages, including C++, Fortran, Python, Matlab or GNU Octave, OCaml, GNU Guile, GNU R, Lua, Rust, and Julia.
CEvNS calculates Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering (CEvNS) cross sections and recoil spectra. It includes (among other things) the Standard Model contribution to the CEvNS cross section, along with the contribution from Simplified Models with new vector or scalar mediators. It also covers neutrino magnetic moments and non-standard contact neutrino interactions (NSI).
prose provides pipelines for performing common tasks, such as automated calibration, reduction and photometry, and makes building custom pipelines easy. The prose framework is instrument-agnostic and makes constructing pipelines easy. It offers a wide range of implemented building blocks and also allows users to define their own.
LEGWORK (LISA Evolution and Gravitational Wave ORbit Kit) is a simple package for gravitational wave calculations. It evolves binaries and computes signal-to-noise ratios for binary systems potentially observable with LISA; it also visualizes the results. LEGWORK can also compare different detector sensitivity curves, compute the horizon distance for a collection of sources, and tracks signal-to-noise evolution over time.
The COCOPLOT (COlor COllapsed PLOTting) quick-look and context image code conveys spectral profile information from all of the spatial pixels in a 3D datacube as a single image using color. It can also identify and expose temporal behavior and display and highlight solar features. COCOPLOT thus aids in identifying regions of interest quickly. The software is available in Python and IDL, and can be used as a standalone package or integrated into other software.
CoLoRe (Cosmological Lofty Realization) generates fast mock realizations of a given galaxy sample using a lognormal model or LPT for the matter density. Tt can simulate a variety of cosmological tracers, including photometric and spectroscopic galaxies, weak lensing, and intensity mapping. CoLoRe is a parallel C code, and its behavior is controlled primarily by the input param file.
Nii implements an automatic parallel tempering Markov chain Monte Carlo (APT-MCMC) framework for sampling multidimensional posterior distributions and provides an observation simulation platform for the differential astrometric measurement of exoplanets. Although this code specifically focuses on the orbital parameter retrieval problem of differential astrometry, Nii can be applied to other scientific problems with different posterior distributions and offers many control parameters in the APT part to facilitate the adjustment of the MCMC sampling strategy; these include the number of parallel chains, the β values of different chains, the dynamic range of the sampling step sizes, and frequency of adjusting the step sizes.
p-winds produces simplified, 1-D models of the upper atmosphere of a planet and performs radiative transfer to calculate observable spectral signatures. The scalable implementation of 1D models allows for atmospheric retrievals to calculate atmospheric escape rates and temperatures. In addition, the modular implementation allows for a smooth plugging-in of more complex descriptions to forward model their corresponding spectral signatures (e.g., self-consistent or 3D models).
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