Results 2351-2400 of 3698 (3601 ASCL, 97 submitted)
GoFish exploits the known rotation of a protoplanetary disk to shift all emission to a common line center in order to stack them, increasing the signal-to-noise of the spectrum, detecting weaker lines, or super-sampling the spectrum to better resolve the line profile.
RRATtrap is a single-pulse sifting algorithm to identify Rotating Radio Transients (RRATs) and transients using output from the PRESTO (ascl:1107.017) routine It can be integrated into pulsar survey data analysis pipelines and, in addition to finding RRATs, it can also identify Fast Radio Bursts.
Clustering is a modified version of the single-pulse sifting algorithm RRATrap (ascl:2011.017) combined with DBSCAN codes to cluster single pulse events.
SCINTOOLS (SCINtillation TOOLS) simulates and analyzes pulsar scintillation data. The code can be used for processing observed dynamic spectra, computing secondary spectra and ACFs, measuring scintillation arcs, simulating dynamic spectra, and modeling pulsar transverse velocities through scintillation arcs or diffractive timescales.
REBOUNDx incorporates additional physics into REBOUND (ascl:1110.016) simulations. Users can add effects from a list of pre-implemented astrophysical forces or contribute new ones. The main code is written in C, and a Python wrapper is provided for interfacing with other libraries. The REBOUNDx source code is machine independent and a binary format to save REBOUNDx configurations interfaces with the SimulationArchive class in REBOUND, making it possible to share and reproduce results bit by bit.
HSTCosmicrays finds and characterizes cosmic rays found in dark frames (exposures taken with the shutter closed) taken with instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Dark exposures are obtained routinely by all the Hubble Space Telescope instruments for calibration. The main processing pipeline runs locally or in the cloud on AWS utilizing the HST Public Dataset.
GPCAL performs instrumental polarization calibration in very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) data. It enhances the calibration accuracy by enabling users to fit the model to multiple calibrators data simultaneously and to take into account the calibrators linear polarization structures instead of using the conventional similarity assumption. GPCAL is based on AIPS (ascl:9911.003) and uses ParselTongue (ascl:1208.020) to run AIPS tasks.
reproject implements image reprojection (resampling) methods for astronomical images using various techniques via a uniform interface. Reprojection re-grids images from one world coordinate system to another (for example changing the pixel resolution, orientation, coordinate system). reproject works on celestial images by interpolation, as well as by finding the exact overlap between pixels on the celestial sphere. It can also reproject to/from HEALPIX projections by relying on the astropy-healpix package.
The ACStools package contains Python tools to work with data from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS). The package has several calibration utilities and a zeropoints calculator, can detect satellite trails, and offers destriping, polarization, and photometric tools.
PNICER estimates extinction for individual sources and creates extinction maps using unsupervised machine learning algorithms. Extinction towards single sources is determined by fitting Gaussian Mixture Models along the extinction vector to (extinction-free) control field observations. PNICER also offers access to the well-established NICER technique in a simple unified interface and is capable of building extinction maps including the NICEST correction for cloud substructure.
DeepShadows uses a convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to separate low-surface-brightness galaxies (LSBGs) from artifacts (such as Galactic cirrus and star-forming regions) in survey images. The model is trained and tested on labeled LSBGs and artifacts from the Dark Energy Survey and demonstrates that CNNs offer a promising path in the quest to study the low-surface-brightness universe.
Kiauhoku interacts with, manipulates, and interpolates between stellar evolutionary tracks in a model grid. It was built for interacting with YREC models, but other stellar evolution model grids, including MIST, Dartmouth, and GARSTEC, are also available.
CWITools analyzes integral field spectroscopy data from the Palomar and Keck Cosmic Web Imagers, and can be adapted for any three-dimensional integral field spectroscopy data. The package is modular, allowing users to construct data analysis pipelines to suit their own scientific needs, and includes tools for reducing data cubes, extracting a target signal, making emission maps, spectra, and other products. It also fits emission line and radial profiles and obtains final scalar quantities such as size and luminosity, among other tasks. It also contains helper functions that can, for example, obtain the wavelength axis from a 3D header, and create an auto-populated list of nebular emission lines or sky lines.
DarkBit computes dark matter constraints on extensions to the Standard Model of particle physics. Written in the GAMBIT (ascl:1708.030) framework, it seamlessly integrates with other tools in the statistical fitting framework; it is also available as a standalone tool. It offers a signal yield calculator for gamma-ray observations, provides likelihoods for arbitrary combinations of spin-independent and spin-dependent scattering processes, and provides a general solution for studying complex particle physics models that predict dark matter annihilation to a multitude of final states.
DDCalc performs various dark matter direct detection calculations, including signal rate predictions, constraints on light DM, and likelihoods for several experiments. It offers eighteen non-relativistic effective operators to describe velocity and momentum transfer, and elastic scattering of DM particles off nucleons, and has an extended detector interface.
ExoPix is a collection of tutorials aimed at illustrating the imaging of exoplanets with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). ExoPix tutorials are meant to demonstrate the application of the PSF-subtraction algorithm pyKLIP (ascl:1506.001) to simulated JWST NIRCAM data. We provide simple walkthroughs of pyKLIP’s ability to reveal exoplanets, compute contrast curves, and measure exoplanet astrometry and photometry in imaged extrasolar systems.
getsf extracts sources and filaments in astronomical images by separating their structural components, and is designed to handle multi-wavelength sets of images and very complex filamentary backgrounds. The method spatially decomposes the original images and separates the structural components of sources and filaments from each other and from their backgrounds, flattening their resulting images. It spatially decomposes the flattened components, combines them over wavelengths, and detects the positions of sources and skeletons of filaments. Finally, getsf measures the detected sources and filaments and creates the output catalogs and images. This universal and fully automated method has a single user-definable free parameter, which reduces to a minimum dependence of its results on the human factor.
The NOIRLab Source Catalog Generator generates the NOIRLab Source Catalog (NSC), a catalog of all publicly available imagining data in the NOIRLab Astro Data Archive. The second data release (DR2) of the archive contains over 3.9 billion unique objects, 68 billion individual source measurements, covers 35,000 square degrees of the sky, has depths of 23rd magnitude in most broadband filters with 1-2% photometric precision, and astrometric accuracy of 7 mas. NSCG is written in Python and IDL. Three main steps generate the NSC: (1) Source Extractor (ascl:1010.064) is used to detect and measure sources in individual images; (2) astrometrics are calibrated with Gaia DR2 and photometric calibration using large public photometric catalogs such as Pan-STARRS1 and ATLAS-Refcat2; and, (3) measurements are clustered into unique objects, averaging photometric and morphological properties, and calculating proper motions and photometric variability indices.
Sengi enables online viewing of the spectral outputs of stellar population synthesis (SPS) codes. Typical SPS codes require significant disk space or computing resources to produce spectra for simple stellar populations with arbitrary parameters, making it difficult to present their results in an interactive, web-friendly format. Sengi uses Non-negative Matrix Factorisation (NMF) and bilinear interpolation to estimate output spectra for arbitrary values of stellar age and metallicity; this reduces the disk requirements and computational expense, allowing Sengi to serve the results in a client-based Javascript application.
Given a series of radial velocities as a function of time for a star in a binary system, BinaryStarSolver solves for various orbital parameters. Namely, it solves for eccentricity (e), argument of periastron (ω), velocity amplitude (K), long term average radial velocity (γ), and orbital period (P). If the orbital parameters of a primary star are already known, it can also find the orbital parameters of a companion star, with only a few radial velocity data points.
MLC_EPGs classifies intermediate redshift (z = 0.3–0.8) emission line galaxies as star-forming galaxies, composite galaxies, active galactic nuclei (AGN), or low-ionization nuclear emission regions (LINERs). It uses four supervised machine learning classification algorithms: k-nearest neighbors (KNN), support vector classifier (SVC), random forest (RF), and a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neural network. For input features, it uses properties that can be measured from optical galaxy spectra out to z < 0.8—[O III]/Hβ, [O II]/Hβ, [O III] line width, and stellar velocity dispersion—and four colors (u−g, g−r, r−i, and i−z) corrected to z = 0.1.
The DR25 Kepler Robovetter is a robotic decision-making code that dispositions each Threshold Crossing Event (TCE) from the final processing (DR 25) of the Kepler data into Planet Candidates (PCs) and False Positives (FPs). The Robovetter provides four major flags to designate each FP TCE as Not Transit-Like (NTL), a Stellar Eclipse (SS), a Centroid Offset (CO), and/or an Ephemeris Match (EM). It produces a score ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 that indicates the Robovetter's disposition confidence, where 1.0 indicates strong confidence in PC, and 0.0 indicates strong confidence in FP. Finally, the Robovetter provides comments in a text string that indicate the specific tests each FP TCE fails and provides supplemental information on all TCEs as necessary.
EOS is an analytical equation of state which models high pressure theory and fits well to the experimental data of ∊-Fe, SiO2, Mg2SiO4, and the Earth. The cold part of the EOS is modeled after the Varpoly EOS. The thermal part is based on a new formalism of the Gruneisen parameter, which improves behavior from earlier models and bridges the gap between elasticity and thermoelasticity. The EOS includes an expanded state model, which allows for the accurate modeling of material vapor curves.
LIFELINE (LIne proFiles in massivE coLliding wInd biNariEs) simulates the X-ray lines profile in colliding wind binaries. The code is self-consistent and computes the distribution of the wind velocity, the characterization of the wind shock region, and the line profile. In addition to perform the overall computation, LIFELINE can use a pre-computed velocity distribution to compute the shock characteristics and the line profile, or use pre-computed shock characteristics and velocity distributions to compute only the line profile.
HydroCode1D is a 1D finite volume code that can run any problem with 1D or 2D/3D spherical symmetry including external gravity or self-gravity. The program provides, depending on the configuration, output files that contain the midpoint position, density, velocity and pressure for each cell in the grid (in SI units). The program will by default use all available threads (as given by the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS). This can be overwritten by giving the desired number of threads as a command line argument to the program.
MADLens produces non-Gaussian cosmic shear maps at arbitrary source redshifts. A MADLens simulation with only 256^3 particles produces convergence maps whose power agree with theoretical lensing power spectra up to scales of L=10000. The code is based on a highly parallelizable particle-mesh algorithm and employs a sub-evolution scheme in the lensing projection and a machine-learning inspired sharpening step to achieve these high accuracies.
Skye detects a statistically significant excess clustering of transit times, indicating that there are likely systematics at specific times that cause many false positive detections, for the Kepler DR25 planet candidate catalog. The technique could be used for any survey looking to statistically cull false alarms.
TRAN_K2 searches for periodic transits in the photometric time series of the Kepler K2 mission. The search is made by considering stellar variability and instrumental systematics. TRAN_K2 is written in Fortran 77 and has a single input parameter file that can be edited by the user depending on the type of run and parameter ranges to be used.
sedop is a Monte-Carlo minimization code designed to optimally construct spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for sources of ultraviolet and X-ray radiation employed in numerical simulations of reionization and radiative feedback.
Dolphin uniformly models large lens samples. It is a wrapper for Lenstronomy (ascl:1804.012), and features semi-automated modeling of a large sample of quasar and galaxy-galaxy lenses. Dolphin, written in Python, provides easy portability between local and MPI environments.
Seaborn provides a high-level interface for drawing attractive statistical graphics. Written in Python, it builds on matplotlib and integrates closely with pandas data structures. Its plotting functions operate on dataframes and arrays containing whole datasets and internally perform the necessary semantic mapping and statistical aggregation to produce informative plots. Its dataset-oriented, declarative API allows the user to focus on what the different elements of the plots mean, rather than on the details of how to draw them.
Pomegranate builds probabilistic models in Python that is implemented in Cython for speed. The code merges the easy-to-use API of scikit-learn with the modularity of probabilistic modeling, including general mixture and hidden Markov models and Bayesian networks, to allow users to specify complicated models without the need to be concerned about implementation details. The models are built from the ground up and natively support features such as multi-threaded parallelism and out-of-core processing.
SLIT (Sparse Lens Inversion Technique) provides a method for inversion of lensed images in the frame of strong gravitational lensing. The code requires the input image along with lens mass profile and a PSF. The user then has to chose a maximum number of iterations after which the algorithm will stop if not converged and a image size ratio to the input image to set the resolution of the reconstructed source. Results are displayed in pyplot windows.
SimCADO simulates observations with any NIR/Vis imaging system. Though the package was originally designed to simulate images for the European Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) and MICADO, with the proper input, it is capable of simulating observations from many different telescope and instrument configurations.
PyXel models astronomical X-ray imaging data; it provides a common set of image analysis tools for astronomers working with extended X-ray sources. PyXel can model surface brightness profiles from X-ray satellites using a variety of models and statistics. PyXel can, for example, fit a broken power-law model to a surface brightness profile, and fit a constant to the sky background level in the direction of the merging galaxy cluster.
BlackHawk calculates the Hawking evaporation spectra of any black hole distribution. Written in C, the program enables users to compute the primary and secondary spectra of stable or long-lived particles generated by Hawking radiation of the distribution of black holes, and to study their evolution in time.
LALSuite contains numerous gravitational wave analysis libraries. Written primarily in C, the libraries include math and signal analysis packages such as for vector manipulation, FFT, statistics, time-domain filtering, and numerical and signal injection routines. The libraries also include date and time and datatype factory routines, in addition to general and support tools and a variety of Python packages. Also included are packages for gravitational waveform and noise generation, burst gravitational wave data analysis, inspiral and ringdown CBC gravitational wave data analysis, pulsar and continuous wave gravitational wave data analysis, and Bayesian inference data analysis. Various wrappers and other tools are also included.
SWIGLAL, a wrapper for and component of the LALSuite (ascl:2012.021) gravitational wave detection and analysis libraries, which are primarily written in C, makes LALSuite routines directly accessible to Python and Octave scripts.
HCGrid maps non-uniform radio astronomy data onto a uniformly distributed grid using a convolution-based algorithm on CPU-GPU heterogeneous platforms. The package has three modules; the initialization module initializes parameters needed for the calculation process, such as setting the size of the sampling space and output resolution. The gridding module uses a parallel ordering algorithm to pre-order the sampling points based on HEALPix on the CPU platform and uses an efficient two-level lookup table to speed up the acquisition of sampling points; it then accelerates convolution by using the high parallelism of GPU and through related performance optimization strategies based on CUDA architecture to further improve the gridding performance. The third module processes the results; it visualizes the gridding and exports the final products as FITS files.
DRAGraces (Data Reduction and Analysis for GRACES) reduces GRACES spectra taken with the Gemini North high-resolution spectrograph. It finds GRACES frames in a given directory, determines the list of bias, flat, arc and science frames, and performs the reduction and extraction. Written in IDL, DRAGraces is straightforward and easy to use.
Magritte performs 3D radiative transfer modeling; though focused on astrophysics and cosmology, the techniques can also be applied more generally. The code uses a deterministic ray-tracer with a formal solver that currently focuses on line radiative transfer. Magritte can either be used as a C++ library or as a Python package.
EinsteinPy performs General Relativity and gravitational physics tasks, including geodesics plotting for Schwarzschild, Kerr and Kerr Newman space-time models, calculation of Schwarzschild radius, and calculation of event horizon and ergosphere for Kerr space-time. It can perform symbolic manipulations of various tensors such as Metric, Riemann, Ricci and Christoffel symbols. EinsteinPy also features hypersurface embedding of Schwarzschild space-time, and includes other utilities and functions. It is a community-developed package and is written in Python.
In cosmological N-body simulations, higher-order Lagrangian perturbation on the initial condition affects the formation of nonlinear structure. Using this code, the initial condition generated by Zel'dovich approximation (Lagrangian linear perturbation) for Gadget-2 code to initial condition with second- or third-order Lagrangian perturbation (2LPT, 3LPT).
BAYES-LOSVD performs non-parametric extraction of the Line-Of-Sight Velocity Distributions in galaxies. Written in Python, it uses Stan (ascl:1801.003) to perform all the computations and provides reliable uncertainties for all the parameters of the model chosen for the fit. The code comes with a large number of features, including read-in routines for some of the most popular IFU spectrographs and surveys, such as ATLAS3D, CALIFA, MaNGA, MUSE-WFM, SAMI, and SAURON.
whereistheplanet predicts the locations of directly imaged companions (mainly exoplanets and brown dwarfs) based on past orbital fits to the data. This tool helps coordinate follow-up observations to characterize their properties, as precise pointing of the instrument is often needed. It uses orbitize! (ascl:1910.009) as a backend. whereistheplanet is available as a Python API, a command line tool, and a web form at
radiowinds calculates the radio emission produced by the winds around stars. The code calculates thermal bremsstrahlung that is emitted from the wind, which depends directly on the density and temperature of the stellar wind plasma. The program takes input data in the form of an interpolated 3d grid of points (of the stellar wind) containing position, temperature and density data. From this it calculates the thermal free-free emission expected from the wind at a range of user-defined frequencies.
Avocado produces classifications of arbitrary astronomical transients and variable objects. It addresses the problem of biased spectroscopic samples by generating many lightcurves from each object in the original spectroscopic sample at a variety of redshifts and with many different observing conditions. The "augmented" samples of lightcurves that are generated are much more representative of the full datasets than the original spectroscopic samples.
ptemcee, pronounced "tem-cee", is fork of Daniel Foreman-Mackey's emcee (ascl:1303.002) to implement parallel tempering more robustly. As far as possible, it is designed as a drop-in replacement for emcee. It is helpful for characterizing awkward, multi-modal probability distributions.
Mask galaxy is an automatic machine learning pipeline for detection, segmentation and morphological classification of galaxies. The model is based on the Mask R-CNN Deep Learning architecture. This model of instance segmentation also performs image segmentation at the pixel level, and has shown a Mean Average Precision (mAP) of 0.93 in morphological classification of spiral or elliptical galaxies.
EphemMatch reads in the period, epoch, positional, and other information of all the Kepler DR25 TCEs, as well as the cumulative KOI list, and lists of EBs from the Kepler Eclipsing Binary Working Group ( as well as several catalogs of EBs known from ground-based surveys. The code then performs matching to identify two different objects that have a statistically identical period and epoch (within some tolerance) and perform logic to identify which is the real source (the parent) and which is a false positive due to contamination from the parent (a child).
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