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Results 3530-7058 of 3533 (3445 ASCL, 88 submitted)

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[ascl:2106.033] ZWAD: Anomaly detection pipeline

ZWAD (ZTF anomaly detection pipeline) examines data and performs tailored feature extraction. The code then uses machine learning methods to searches for outliers, and identifies anomalies to be examined for validation by experts. Used with the SNAD ZTF data releases object viewer (ascl:2106.034), the infrastructure helps experts to form global views of specific scientifically interesting candidates.

[ascl:2202.003] Zwindstroom: Cosmological growth factors from fluid calculations

Zwindstroom computes background quantities and scale-dependent growth factors for cosmological models with free-streaming species, such as massive neutrinos. Following the earlier REPS code (ascl:1612.022), the code uses a Newtonian fluid approximation with external neutrino sound speed to close the Boltzmann hierarchy. Zwindstroom supports multi-fluid models with distinct transfer functions and sound speeds. A flexible python interface facilitates interaction with CLASS (ascl:1106.020) through classy. There is also a Zwindstroom plugin for the cosmological initial conditions generator monofonIC (ascl:2008.024) that allows for higher-order LPT ICs for massive neutrino simulations in a single step.

[ascl:2306.006] β-SGP: Scaled Gradient Projection algorithm using β-divergence

β-SGP deconvolves an astronomical image with a known Point Spread Function, providing a means for restoration of telescopic images due to issues ranging from atmospheric turbulence to instrumental aberrations. The code supports improved astrometry, deblending of overlapping sources, faint source detection, and identification of point sources near bright extended objects, and other tasks. β-SGP generalizes the Scaled Gradient Projection (SGP) image deconvolution algorithm using β-divergence as a loss function to restore distorted stellar shapes.

[ascl:2307.050] νHawkHunter: Forecasting of PBH neutrinos

νHawkHunter explores the prospects of detecting neutrinos produced by the evaporation of primordial black holes in ground-based experiments. It makes use of neutrino fluxes from Hawking radiation computed with BlackHawk (ascl:2012.020). νHawkHunter is also be used for Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background or similar studies by replacing the signal fluxes by the proper ones.


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