Astrophysics Source Code Library

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Results 3530-7058 of 3533 (3445 ASCL, 88 submitted)

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[ascl:2406.026] Faceted-HyperSARA: Parallel faceted imaging in radio interferometry

Faceted-HyperSARA images radio-interferometric wideband intensity data. Written in MATLAB, the library offers a collection of utility functions and scripts from data extraction from an RI measurement set MS Table to the reconstruction of a wideband intensity image over the field of view and frequency range of interest. The code achieves high precision imaging from large data volumes and supports data dimensionality reduction via visibility gridding and estimation of the effective noise level when reliable noise estimates are not available. Faceted-HyperSASA also corrects the w-term via w-projection and incorporates available compact Fourier models of the direction dependent effects (DDEs) in the measurement operator.

[ascl:2406.027] phi-GPU: Parallel Hermite Integration on GPU

The phi-GPU (Parallel Hermite Integration on GPU) high-order N-body parallel dynamic code uses the fourth-order Hermite integration scheme with hierarchical individual block time-steps and incorporates external gravity. The software works directly with GPU, using only NVIDIA GPU and CUDA code. It creates numerical simulations and can be used to study galaxy and star cluster evolution.

[ascl:2406.028] Redback: Bayesian inference package for fitting electromagnetic transients

Redback provides end-to-end interpretation and parameter estimation of electromagnetic transients. Using data downloaded by the code or provided by the user, the code processes the data into a homogeneous transient object. Redback implements several different types of electromagnetic transients models, ranging from simple analytical models to numerical surrogates, fits models implemented in the package or provided by the user, and plots lightcurves. The code can also be used as a tool to simulate realistic populations without having to fit anything, as models are implemented as functions and can be used to simulate populations. Redback uses Bilby (ascl:1901.011) for sampling and can easily switch samplers and likelihoods.

[ascl:2406.030] AutoPhOT: Rapid publication-quality photometry of transients

AutoPhOT (AUTOmated Photometry Of Transients) produces publication-quality photometry of transients quickly. Written in Python 3, this automated pipeline's capabilities include aperture and PSF-fitting photometry, template subtraction, and calculation of limiting magnitudes through artificial source injection. AutoPhOT is also capable of calibrating photometry against either survey catalogs (e.g., SDSS, PanSTARRS) or using a custom set of local photometric standards.


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