Astrophysics Source Code Library

Making codes discoverable since 1999

Searching for codes credited to 'Bonfils, Xavier'

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[ascl:2301.014] LBL: Line-by-line velocity measurements

LBL derives velocity measurements from high-resolution (R>50 000) datasets by accounting for outliers in the spectra data. It is tailored for fiber-fed multi-order spectrographs, both in optical and near-infrared (up to 2.5µm) domains. The domain is split into individual units (lines) and the velocity and its associated uncertainty are measured within each line and combined through a mixture model to allow for the presence of spurious values. In addition to the velocity, other quantities are also derived, the most important being a value (dW) that can be understood (for a Gaussian line) as a change in the line FWHM. These values provide useful stellar activity indicators. LBL works on data from a variety of instruments, including SPIRou, NIRPS, HARPS, and ESPRESSO. The code's output is an rdb table that can be uploaded to the online DACE pRV analysis tool.

[ascl:2503.009] ATMOSPHERIX: Processing tool for t.fits files

ATMOSPHERIX reads t.fits files from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope's near-infrared spectropolarimeter SPIRou, processes the data to remove telluric/stella contributions, and performs the correlation analysis for a given planet atmosphere template. The correlation function computes the correlation between the data and model for a grid of planet velocimetric semi-amplitude and systemic velocity. ATMOSPHERIX takes transmission spectroscopy into account and allows the user to inject a synthetic planet if desired.