➥ Tip! Refine or expand your search. Authors are sometimes listed as 'Smith, J. K.' instead of 'Smith, John' so it is useful to search for last names only. Note this is currently a simple phrase search.
epsnoise simulates pixel noise in weak-lensing ellipticity and shear measurements. This open-source python code can efficiently create an intrinsic ellipticity distribution, shear it, and add noise, thereby mimicking a "perfect" measurement that is not affected by shape-measurement biases. For theoretical studies, we provide the Marsaglia distribution, which describes the ratio of normal variables in the general case of non-zero mean and correlation. We also added a convenience method that evaluates the Marsaglia distribution for the ratio of moments of a Gaussian-shaped brightness distribution, which gives a very good approximation of the measured ellipticity distribution also for galaxies with different radial profiles. We provide four shear estimators, two based on the ε ellipticity measure, two on χ. While three of them are essentially plain averages, we introduce a new estimator which requires a functional minimization.
DES exposure checker renders science-grade images directly to a web browser and allows users to mark problematic features from a set of predefined classes, thus allowing image quality control for the Dark Energy Survey to be crowdsourced through its web application. Users can also generate custom labels to help identify previously unknown problem classes; generated reports are fed back to hardware and software experts to help mitigate and eliminate recognized issues. These problem reports allow rapid correction of artifacts that otherwise may be too subtle or infrequent to be recognized.
pyGMMis is a mixtures-of-Gaussians density estimation method that accounts for arbitrary incompleteness in the process that creates the samples as long as the incompleteness is known over the entire feature space and does not depend on the sample density (missing at random). pyGMMis uses the Expectation-Maximization procedure and generates its best guess of the unobserved samples on the fly. It can also incorporate an uniform "background" distribution as well as independent multivariate normal measurement errors for each of the observed samples, and then recovers an estimate of the error-free distribution from which both observed and unobserved samples are drawn. The code automatically segments the data into localized neighborhoods, and is capable of performing density estimation with millions of samples and thousands of model components on machines with sufficient memory.
SCARLET performs source separation (aka "deblending") on multi-band images. It is geared towards optical astronomy, where scenes are composed of stars and galaxies, but it is straightforward to apply it to other imaging data. Separation is achieved through a constrained matrix factorization, which models each source with a Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) and a non-parametric morphology, or multiple such components per source. The code performs forced photometry (with PSF matching if needed) using an optimal weight function given by the signal-to-noise weighted morphology across bands. The approach works well if the sources in the scene have different colors and can be further strengthened by imposing various additional constraints/priors on each source. Because of its generic utility, this package provides a stand-alone implementation that contains the core components of the source separation algorithm. However, the development of this package is part of the LSST Science Pipeline; the meas_deblender package contains a wrapper to implement the algorithms here for the LSST stack.
Skymapper maps astronomical survey data from the celestial sphere onto 2D using a collection of matplotlib instructions. It facilitates interactive work as well as the creation of publication-quality plots with a python-based workflow many astronomers are accustomed to. The primary motivation is a truthful representation of samples and fields from the curved sky in planar figures, which becomes relevant when sizable portions of the sky are observed.
shear-stacking calculates stacked shear profiles and tests based upon them, e.g. consistency for different slices of lensed background galaxies. The basic concept is that the lensing signal in terms of surface mass density (instead of shear) should be entirely determined by the properties of the lens sample and have no dependence on source galaxy properties.
Skylens++ implements a Layer-based raytracing framework particularly well-suited for realistic simulations of weak and strong gravitational lensing. Source galaxies can be drawn from analytic models or deep space-based imaging. Lens planes can be populated with arbitrary deflectors, typically either from N-body simulations or analytic lens models. Both sources and lenses can be placed at freely configurable positions into the light cone, in effect allowing for multiple source and lens planes.
The shapelens C++ library provides ways to load galaxies and star images from FITS files and catalogs and to analyze their morphology. The main purpose of this library is to make several weak-lensing shape estimators publicly available. All of them are based on the moments of the brightness distribution. The estimators include DEIMOS, for analytic deconvolution in moment space, DEIMOSElliptical, a practical implemention of DEIMOS with an automatically matched elliptical weight function, DEIMOSCircular, which is identical to DEIMOSElliptical but with a circular weight function, and others.
Mangrove uses Graph Neural Networks to regress baryonic properties directly from full dark matter merger trees to infer galaxy properties. The package includes code for preprocessing the merger tree, and training the model can be done either as single experiments or as a sweep. Mangrove provides loss functions, learning rate schedulers, models, and a script for doing the training on a GPU.
Spender establishes a restframe for galaxy spectra that has higher resolution and larger wavelength range than the spectra from which it is trained. The model can be trained from spectra at different redshifts or even from different instruments without the need to standardize the observations. Spender also has an explicit, differentiable redshift dependence, which can be coupled with a redshift estimator for a fully data-driven spectrum analysis pipeline. The code describes the restframe spectrum by an autoencoder and transforms the restframe model to the observed redshift; it also matches the spectral resolution and line spread function of the instrument.
AESTRA (Auto-Encoding STellar Radial-velocity and Activity) uses deep learning for precise radial velocity measurements in the presence of stellar activity noise. The architecture combines a convolutional radial-velocity estimator and a spectrum auto-encoder. The input consists of a collection of hundreds or more of spectra of a single star, which span a variety of activity states and orbital motion phases of any potential planets. AESTRA does not require any prior knowledge about the star.