Astrophysics Source Code Library

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[ascl:2407.020] Package-X: Calculate Feynman loop integrals

Package‑X instantly solves one loop Feynman integrals in full generality. Written in Mathematica and extensively tested and adopted, the package computes dimensionally regulated one-loop integrals with up to four distinct propagators of arbitrarily high rank, calculates traces of Dirac matrices in d dimensions for closed fermion loops, or carries out Dirac algebra for open fermion lines. Package‑X also generates analytic results for any kinematic configuration (e.g., at zero external momentum or physical threshold) for real masses and external invariants, provides analytic expressions for UV-divergent, IR-divergent and finite parts either separately or all together, and computes discontinuities across cuts of one-loop integrals, among other tasks.