Astrophysics Source Code Library

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Searching for codes credited to 'Pascucci, Ilaria'

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[ascl:1909.013] EPOS: Exoplanet Population Observation Simulator

EPOS (Exoplanet Population Observation Simulator) simulates observations of exoplanet populations. It provides an interface between planet formation simulations and exoplanet surveys such as Kepler. EPOS can also be used to estimate planet occurrence rates and the orbital architectures of planetary systems.

[ascl:2308.007] DiskMINT: Disk Model For INdividual Targets

DiskMINT (Disk Model for INdividual Targets) models individual disks and derives robust disk mass estimates. Built on RADMC-3D (ascl:1202.015) for continuum (and gas line) radiative transfer, the code includes a reduced chemical network to determine the C18O emission. DiskMINT has a Python3 module that generates a self-consistent 2D disk structure to satisfy VHSE (Vertical Hydrostatic Equilibrium). It also contains a Fortran code of the reduced chemical network that contains the main chemical processes necessary for C18O modeling: the isotopologue-selective photodissociation, and the grain-surface chemistry where the CO converting to CO2 ice is the main reaction.

[submitted] ysoisochrone: A Python package to estimate masses and ages for YSOs

ysoisochrone is a Python3 package that handles the isochrones for young stellar objects (YSOs), and utilize isochrones to derive the stellar mass and ages. Our primary method is a Bayesian inference approach, and the Python code builds on the IDL version developed in Pascucci et al. (2016). The code estimates the stellar masses, ages, and associated uncertainties by comparing their stellar effective temperature, bolometric luminosity, and their uncertainties with different stellar evolutionary models, including those specifically developed for YSOs. User-developed evolutionary tracks can also be utilized when provided in the specific format described in the code documentation.