➥ Tip! Refine or expand your search. Authors are sometimes listed as 'Smith, J. K.' instead of 'Smith, John' so it is useful to search for last names only. Note this is currently a simple phrase search.
StringFast implements a method for efficient computation of the C_l spectra induced by a network of strings, which is fast enough to be used in Markov Chain Monte Carlo analyses of future data. This code allows the user to calculate TT, EE, and BB power spectra (scalar [for TT and EE], vector, and tensor modes) for "wiggly" cosmic strings. StringFast uses the output of the public code CMBACT (ascl:1106.023). The properties of the strings are described by four parameters: Gμ—dimensionless string tension; v—rms transverse velocity (as fraction of c); α—"wiggliness"; ξ—comoving correlation length of the string network. It is written as a Fortran 90 module.
Driftscan simulates and analyzes transit radio interferometers, with a particular focus on 21cm cosmology. Given a design of a telescope, it generates a set of products used to analyze data from it and simulate timestreams. Driftscan also constructs a filter to extract cosmological 21 cm emission from astrophysical foregrounds, such as our galaxy and radio point sources, and estimates the 21cm power spectrum using an optimal quadratic estimator.
bskit, built upon the nbodykit (ascl:1904.027) simulation analysis package, measures density bispectra from snapshots of cosmological N-body or hydrodynamical simulations. It can measure auto or cross bispectra in a user-specified set of triangle bins (that is, triplets of 3-vector wavenumbers). Several common sets of bins are also implemented, including all triangle bins for specified k_min and k_max, equilateral triangles between specified k_min and k_max, isosceles triangles, and squeezed isosceles triangles.
hmvec is a pure Python/numpy vectorized general halo model and HOD code. It includes support for 3d power spectra involving NFW, Battaglia electron density profiles and galaxy HODs. It also supports 2d power spectra including tSZ, cosmic shear, galaxy-galaxy lensing and CMB lensing. hmvec calculates a vectorized FFT for a given profile over all points in mass and redshift, using one double loop over mass and redshift to interpolate the profile Fourier transforms to the target wavenumbers; every other part of the code is vectorized.